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Cataclysm: Bright Nights

Modding with Lua

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Example mods

There are a couple heavily-commented example mods in data/mods/ that make use of Lua API described here:

  • smart_house_remotes - Add remotes for controlling garage doors and window curtains.
  • saveload_lua_test - Mod for testing Lua save/load API.

Ingame Lua console

In-game Lua console is available through the debug menu or via Lua Console hotkey (unbound by default).

It is rather simple, but is capable of keeping input history, showing output and errors from Lua scripts as well as running Lua snippets and printing the returned values.

You can adjust console log capacity by running gdebug.set_log_capacity( num ) (default is 100 entries), or clear it by running gdebug.clear_lua_log().

Lua hot-reload

To speed up mod development process, BN supports Lua hot-reload functionality.

There is no filesystem watcher, so hot-reload must be triggered manually via a corresponding Reload Lua Code hotkey (unbound by default). The hot-reload can also be triggered from console window by pressing the corresponding hotkey, or by running gdebug.reload_lua_code() command. Running the command from regular Lua scripts may have unintended consequences, use at your own risk!

Note that not all code can be hot-reloaded, it’ll be explained in later sections.

Game data loading

When a world is being loaded, game does it in roughly these steps:

  1. Initializes world-related internal state, sets the world as active
  2. Loads world’s artifact item types (artifacts are hacky and will likely be removed soon in favor of relics + Lua)
  3. Retrieves list of mods used by the world
  4. Loads the mods according to the list
  5. Initializes avatar-related internal state
  6. Loads from save dir actual overmap data, avatar data and reality bubble data

What we care about here is the mod loading stage. It has a number of sub-steps:

  1. Loading function receives list of world mods
  2. It discards the missing ones and prints debug message for each
  3. It checks remaining mods on the list, and throws error if a mod needs Lua, but the game build does NOT support Lua
  4. It also throws a warning if game’s Lua API version differs from the one used by the mod
  5. For every mod on the list that uses Lua, it runs the mod’s preload.lua script (if present)
  6. It goes over all mods in same order as in the list, and loads JSON definitions from each mod’s folder
  7. It finalizes loaded data (resolves copy-from, prepares some types with complex state for use)
  8. For every mod on the list that uses Lua, it runs the mod’s finalize.lua script (if present)
  9. It checks consistency of loaded data (validates values, warns about iffy combinations of values, etc.)
  10. (R) For every mod on the list that uses Lua, it runs the mod’s main.lua script (if present)

As such, we only have 3 scipts to place a mod’s Lua code into: preload.lua, finalize.lua and main.lua. The differences between the 3 and their intended use cases will be explained below.

You can use only one script, two or all three, depending on your needs.

When executing hot-reload, the game repeats the step marked with (R). That means if you want the code you’re working on to be hot-reloadable, put it into main.lua.


This script is supposed to register event hooks and set up definitions that will then be referred by game JSON loading system (e.g. item use actions). Note that you can registers them here, and define them in some later stage (e.g. in main.lua to allow hot-reload to affect your hooks).


This script is supposed to allow mods to modify definitions loaded from JSON after copy-from has been resolved, but there is no API for this yet.

TODO: api for finalization


This script is supposed to implement the main logic of the mod. This includes, but not limited, to:

  1. Mod runtime state
  2. Mod initialization on game start
  3. Mod save/load code, if required
  4. Implementation of hooks that were set up in preload.lua

Lua API details

While you can do a lot of interesting stuff with vanilla Lua, the integration imposes some limits to prevent potential bugs:

  • Loading packages (or Lua modules) is disabled.
  • Your current mod id is stored in game.current_mod variable
  • Your mod’s runtime state should live in game.mod_runtime[ game.current_mod ] table. You can also interface with other mods if you know their id, by accessing their runtime state in a similar way with game.mod_runtime[ that_other_mod_id ]
  • Changes to global state are not available between scripts. This is to prevent accidental collisions between function names and variable names. You still can define global variables and functions, but they will be visible to your mod only.

Lua libraries and functions

When script is called, it comes with some standard Lua libraries pre-loaded:

baseprint, assert, and other base functions
mathall things math
stringstring library
tablethe table manipulator and observer functions

See Standard Libraries section in Lua manual for details.

Some of the functions here are overloaded by BN, see Global overrides for details.

Global state

Most of necessary data and game runtime state is available through global game table. It has the following members:

game.current_mod Id of mod that’s being loaded (available only when script is executed) game.active_mods List of active world mods, in load order game.mod_runtime.<mod_id> Runtime data for mods (each mod gets its own table named after its id) game.mod_storage.<mod_id> Per-mod storage that gets automatically saved/loaded on game save/load. game.cata_internal For internal game purposes, please don’t use this game.hooks.<hook_id> Hooks exposed to Lua scripts, will be called on corresponding events game.iuse.<iuse_id> Item use functions that will be recognized by the item factory and called on item use

Game Bindings

The game exposes various functions, constants and types to Lua. Functions and constants are organized into “libraries” for organizational purposes. Types are available globally, and may have member functions and fields.

To see the full list of functions, constants and types, run the game with --lua-doc command line argument. This will generate documentation file lua_doc.md that will be placed in your config folder.

Global overrides

Some functions have been globally overriden to improve integration with the game.

printPrint as INFO LUA to debug.log (overrides default Lua print)

TODO: alternatives for dofile and such


To see the list of hooks, check hooks_doc section of the autogenerated documentation file. There, you will see the list of hook ids as well as function signatures that they expect. You can register new hooks by appending to the hooks table like so:

-- In preload.lua
local mod = game.mod_runtime[ game.current_mod ]
game.hooks.on_game_save[ #game.hooks.on_game_save + 1 ] = function( ... )
  -- This is essentially a forward declaration.
  -- We declare that the hook exists, it should be called on game_save event,
  -- but we will forward all possible arguments (even if there is none) to,
  -- and return value from, the function that we'll declare later on.
  return mod.my_awesome_hook( ... )

-- In main.lua
local mod = game.mod_runtime[ game.current_mod ]
mod.my_awesome_hook = function()
  -- Do actual work here

Item use function

Item use functions use unique id to register themselves in item factory. On item activation, they receive multiple arguments that will be described in the example below.

-- In preload.lua
local mod = game.mod_runtime[ game.current_mod ]
game.iuse_functions[ "SMART_HOUSE_REMOTE" ] = function(...)
  -- This is just a forward declaration,
  -- but it will allow us to use SMART_HOUSE_REMOTE iuse in JSONs.
  return mod.my_awesome_iuse_function(...)

-- In main.lua
local mod = game.mod_runtime[ game.current_mod ]
mod.my_awesome_iuse_function = function( who, item, pos )
  -- Do actual activation effect here.
  -- `who` is the character that activated the item
  -- `item` is the item itself
  -- `pos` is the position of the item (equal to character pos if character has it on them)

Translation functions

To make the mod translatable to other languages, get your text via functions bound in locale library. See translation API for detailed explanation of their C++ counterparts.

Usage examples are shown below:

-- Simple string.
-- The "Experimental Lab" text will be extracted from this code by a script,
-- and will be available for translators.
-- When your Lua script runs, this function will search for translation of
-- "Experimental Lab" string and return either translated string, 
-- or the original string if there was no translation found.
local location_name_translated = locale.gettext( "Experimental Lab" )

-- ERROR: you must call `gettext` with a string literal.
-- Calling it like this will make it so "Experimental Lab" is NOT extracted,
-- and translators won't see it when they translate the text.
local location_name_original = "Experimental Lab"
local location_name_translated = locale.gettext( location_name_original )

-- ERROR: don't alias the function under different name.
-- Calling it like this will make it so "Experimental Lab" is NOT extracted,
-- and translators won't see it when they translate the text.
local gettext_alt = locale.gettext
local location_name_translated = gettext_alt( "Experimental Lab" )

-- This, however, is fine.
local gettext = locale.gettext
local location_name_translated = gettext( "Experimental Lab" )

-- String with possible plural form.
-- Many languages have more than 2 plural forms with complex rules related to which one to use.
local item_display_name = locale.vgettext( "X-37 Prototype", "X-37 Prototypes", num_of_prototypes )

-- String with context
local text_1 = locale.pgettext("the one made of metal", "Spring")
local text_2 = locale.pgettext("the one that makes water", "Spring")
local text_3 = locale.pgettext("time of the year", "Spring")

-- String with both context and plural forms.
local item_display_name = locale.vpgettext("the one made of metal", "Spring", "Springs", num_of_springs)

  When some text is tricky and requires explanation,
  it's common to place a special comment denoted with `~` to help translators.
  The comment MUST BE right above the function call.

--~ This comment is good and will be visible for translators.
local ok = locale.gettext("Confusing text that needs explanation.")

--~ ERROR: This comment is too far from gettext call and won't be extracted!
local not_ok = locale.
                gettext("Confusing text that needs explanation.")

local not_ok = locale.gettext(
                  --~ ERROR: This comment is in wrong place and won't be extracted!
                  "Confusing text that needs explanation."

  ERROR: Multiline Lua comments can't be used as translator comments!
  This comment won't be extracted!
local ok = locale.gettext("Confusing text that needs explanation.")

--~ If you need a multiline translator comment,
--~ just use 2 or more single-line comments.
--~ They'll be concatenated and shown as a single multi-line comment.
local ok = locale.gettext("Confusing text that needs explanation.")