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Cataclysm: Bright Nights


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Writing Dialogues

TODO: document the “npc” structure, used to load NPC template

Dialogues work like state machines. They start with a certain topic (the NPC says something), the player character can respond (choosing one of several responses), and that response sets the new talk topic. This goes on until the dialogue is finished, or the NPC turns hostile.

Note that it is perfectly fine to have a response that switches the topic back to itself.

NPC missions are controlled by a separate but related JSON structure and are documented in the missions docs.

Two topics are special:

  • TALK_DONE ends the dialogue immediately.
  • TALK_NONE goes to the previously talked about topic.

Validating Dialogues

Keeping track of talk topics and making sure that all the topics referenced in responses are defined, and all defined topics are referenced in a response or an NPC’s chat, is very tricky. There is a python script in tools/ that will map all topics to responses and vice versa. Invoke it with

python tools/ data/json/npcs/* data/json/npcs/Backgrounds/* data/json/npcs/refugee_center/*

If you are writing a mod with dialogue, you can add the paths to the mod’s dialogue files.

Talk topics

Each topic consists of:

  1. a topic id (e.g. TALK_ARSONIST)
  2. a dynamic line, spoken by the NPC.
  3. an optional list of effects that occur when the NPC speaks the dynamic line
  4. a list of responses that can be spoken by the player character.
  5. a list of repeated responses that can be spoken by the player character, automatically generated if the player or NPC has items in a list of items.

One can specify new topics in json. It is currently not possible to define the starting topic, so you have to add a response to some of the default topics (e.g. TALK_STRANGER_FRIENDLY or TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL) or to topics that can be reached somehow.


  "type": "talk_topic",
  "id": "TALK_ARSONIST",
  "dynamic_line": "What now?",
  "responses": [
      "text": "I don't know either",
      "topic": "TALK_DONE"
  "replace_built_in_responses": true


Must always be there and must always be "talk_topic".


The topic id can be one of the built-in topics or a new id. However, if several talk topics in json have the same id, the last topic definition will override the previous ones.

The topic id can also be an array of strings. This is loaded as if several topics with the exact same content have been given in json, each associated with an id from the id, array. Note that loading from json will append responses and, if defined in json, override the dynamic_line and the replace_built_in_responses setting. This allows adding responses to several topics at once.

This example adds the “I’m going now!” response to all the listed topics.

    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "What now?",
    "responses": [
            "text": "I'm going now.",
            "topic": "TALK_DONE"


The dynamic_line is the line spoken by the NPC. It is optional. If it is not defined and the topic has the same id as a built-in topic, the dynamic_line from that built-in topic will be used. Otherwise the NPC will say nothing. See the chapter about dynamic_line below for more details.


The speaker_effect is an object or array of effects that will occur after the NPC speaks the dynamic_line, no matter which response the player chooses. See the chapter about Speaker Effects below for more details.


The responses entry is an array with possible responses. It must not be empty. Each entry must be a response object. See the chapter about Responses below for more details.


replace_built_in_responses is an optional boolean that defines whether to dismiss the built-in responses for that topic (default is false). If there are no built-in responses, this won’t do anything. If true, the built-in responses are ignored and only those from this definition in the current json are used. If false, the responses from the current json are used along with the built-in responses (if any).


A dynamic line can either be a simple string, or an complex object, or an array with dynamic_line entries. If it’s an array, an entry will be chosen randomly every time the NPC needs it. Each entry has the same probability.


"dynamic_line": [
    "generic text",
        "npc_female": [ "text1", "text2", "text3" ],
        "npc_male": { "u_female": "text a", "u_male": "text b" }

A complex dynamic_line usually contains several dynamic_line entry and some condition that determines which is used. If dynamic lines are not nested, they are processed in the order of the entries below. The possible types of lines follow.

In all cases, npc_ refers to the NPC, and u_ refers to the player. Optional lines do not have to be defined, but the NPC should always have something to say. Entries are always parsed as dynamic_line and can be nested.

Several lines joined together

The dynamic line is a list of dynamic lines, all of which are displayed. The dynamic lines in the list are processed normally.

  "and": [
      "npc_male": true,
      "yes": "I'm a man.",
      "no": "I'm a woman."
    "  ",
      "u_female": true,
      "no": "You're a man.",
      "yes": "You're a woman."

A line to be translated with gender context

The line is to be given a gender context for the NPC, player, or both, to aid translation in languages where that matters. For example:

  "gendered_line": "Thank you.",
  "relevant_genders": ["npc"]

(“Thank you” is different for male and female speakers in e.g. Portuguese).

Valid choices for entries in the "relevant_genders" list are "npc" and "u".

A randomly selected hint

The dynamic line will be randomly chosen from the hints snippets.

  "give_hint": true

Based on a previously generated reason

The dynamic line will be chosen from a reason generated by an earlier effect. The reason will be cleared. Use of it should be gated on the "has_reason" condition.

  "has_reason": { "use_reason": true },
  "no": "What is it, boss?"

Based on any Dialogue condition

The dynamic line will be chosen based on whether a single dialogue condition is true or false. Dialogue conditions cannot be chained via "and", "or", or "not". If the condition is true, the "yes" response will be chosen and otherwise the "no" response will be chosen. Both the '"yes" and "no" reponses are optional. Simple string conditions may be followed by "true" to make them fields in the dynamic line dictionary, or they can be followed by the response that will be chosen if the condition is true and the "yes" response can be omitted.

    "npc_need": "fatigue",
    "level": "TIRED",
    "no": "Just few minutes more...",
    "yes": "Make it quick, I want to go back to sleep."
    "npc_aim_rule": "AIM_PRECISE",
    "no": "*will not bother to aim at all.",
    "yes": "*will take time and aim carefully."
    "u_has_item": "india_pale_ale",
    "yes": "<noticedbooze>",
    "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
    "days_since_cataclysm": 30,
    "yes": "Now, we've got a moment, I was just thinking it's been a month or so since... since all this, how are you coping with it all?",
    "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
    "is_day": "Sure is bright out.",
    "no": {
        "u_male": true,
        "yes": "Want a beer?",
        "no": "Want a cocktail?"

Speaker Effects

The speaker_effect entry contains dialogue effects that occur after the NPC speaks the dynamic_line but before the player responds and regardless of the player response. Each effect can have an optional condition, and will only be applied if the condition is true. Each speaker_effect can also have an optional sentinel, which guarantees the effect will only run once.


"speaker_effect": {
  "sentinel": "...",
  "condition": "...",
  "effect": "..."


"speaker_effect": [
    "sentinel": "...",
    "condition": "...",
    "effect": "..."
    "sentinel": "...",
    "condition": "...",
    "effect": "..."

The sentinel can be any string, but sentinels are unique to each TALK_TOPIC. If there are multiple speaker_effects within the TALK_TOPIC, they should have different sentinels. Sentinels are not required, but since the speaker_effect will run every time the dialogue returns to the TALK_TOPIC, they are highly encouraged to avoid inadvertently repeating the same effects.

The effect can be any legal effect, as described below. The effect can be a simple string, object, or an array of strings and objects, as normal for objects.

The optional condition can be any legal condition, as described below. If a condition is present, the effect will only occur if the condition is true.

Speaker effects are useful for setting status variables to indicate that player has talked to the NPC without complicating the responses with multiple effect variables. They can also be used, with a sentinel, to run a mapgen_update effect the first time the player hears some dialogue from the NPC.


A response contains at least a text, which is display to the user and “spoken” by the player character (its content has no meaning for the game) and a topic to which the dialogue will switch to. It can also have a trial object which can be used to either lie, persuade or intimidate the NPC, see below for details. There can be different results, used either when the trial succeeds and when it fails.


  "text": "I, the player, say to you...",
  "condition": "...something...",
  "trial": {
    "type": "PERSUADE",
    "difficulty": 10
  "success": {
    "topic": "TALK_DONE",
    "effect": "...",
    "opinion": {
      "trust": 0,
      "fear": 0,
      "value": 0,
      "anger": 0,
      "owed": 0,
      "favors": 0
  "failure": {
    "topic": "TALK_DONE"

Alternatively a short format:

  "text": "I, the player, say to you...",
  "effect": "...",
  "topic": "TALK_WHATEVER"

The short format is equivalent to (an unconditional switching of the topic, effect is optional):

  "text": "I, the player, say to you...",
  "trial": {
    "type": "NONE"
  "success": {
    "effect": "...",
    "topic": "TALK_WHATEVER"

The optional boolean keys “switch” and “default” are false by default. Only the first response with "switch": true, "default": false, and a valid condition will be displayed, and no other responses with "switch": true will be displayed. If no responses with "switch": true and "default": false are displayed, then any and all responses with "switch": true and "default": true will be displayed. In either case, all responses that have "switch": false (whether or not they have "default": true is set) will be displayed as long their conditions are satisfied.

switch and default Example

"responses": [
  { "text": "You know what, never mind.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
  { "text": "How does 5 Ben Franklins sound?",
    "topic": "TALK_BIG_BRIBE", "condition": { "u_has_items": { "item": "100_usd", "count": 5 } }, "switch": true },
   { "text": "I could give you a big Grant.",
    "topic": "TALK_BRIBE", "condition": { "u_has_item": "50_usd" }, "switch": true },
  { "text": "Lincoln liberated the slaves, what can he do for me?",
    "topic": "TALK_TINY_BRIBE", "condition": { "u_has_item": "5_usd" }, "switch": true, "default": true },
  { "text": "Maybe we can work something else out?", "topic": "TALK_BRIBE_OTHER",
    "switch": true, "default": true },
  { "text": "Gotta go!", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }

The player will always have the option to return to a previous topic or end the conversation, and will otherwise have the option to give a $500, $50, or $5 bribe if they have the funds. If they don’t have at least $50, they will also have the option to provide some other bribe.


The player will have one response text if a condition is true, and another if it is false, but the same trial for either line. condition, true, and false are all mandatory.

  "truefalsetext": {
    "condition": { "u_has_item": "FMCNote" },
    "true": "I may have the money, I'm not giving you any.",
    "false": "I don't have that money."
  "topic": "TALK_WONT_PAY"


Will be shown to the user, no further meaning.


Optional, if not defined, "NONE" is used. Otherwise one of "NONE", "LIE", "PERSUADE", "INTIMIDATE", or "CONDITION". If "NONE" is used, the failure object is not read, otherwise it’s mandatory.

The difficulty is only required if type is not "NONE" or "CONDITION" and specifies the success chance in percent (it is however modified by various things like mutations). Higher difficulties are easier to pass.

An optional mod array takes any of the following modifiers and increases the difficulty by the NPC’s opinion of your character or personality trait for that modifier multiplied by the value: "ANGER", "FEAR", "TRUST", "VALUE", "AGRESSION", "ALTRUISM", "BRAVERY", "COLLECTOR". The special "POS_FEAR" modifier treats NPC’s fear of your character below 0 as though it were 0. The special "TOTAL" modifier sums all previous modifiers and then multiplies the result by its value and is used when setting the owed value.

"CONDITION" trials take a mandatory condition instead of difficulty. The success object is chosen if the condition is true and the failure is chosen otherwise.

success and failure

Both objects have the same structure. topic defines which topic the dialogue will switch to. opinion is optional, if given it defines how the opinion of the NPC will change. The given values are added to the opinion of the NPC, they are all optional and default to 0. effect is a function that is executed after choosing the response, see below.

The opinion of the NPC affects several aspects of the interaction with NPCs:

  • Higher trust makes it easier to lie and persuade, and it usually a good thing.
  • Higher fear makes it easier to intimidate, but the NPC may flee from you (and will not talk to you).
  • Higher value makes it easier to persuade them and to give them orders, it’s a kind of a friendship indicator.
  • High anger value (about 20 points more than fear, but this also depends on the NPCs personality) makes the NPC hostile and is usually a bad thing. The combination of fear and trust decide together with the personality of the NPC the initial talk topic ("TALK_MUG", "TALK_STRANGER_AGGRESSIVE", "TALK_STRANGER_SCARED", "TALK_STRANGER_WARY", "TALK_STRANGER_FRIENDLY", or "TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL").

For the actual usage of that data, search the source code for "op_of_u".

The failure object is used if the trial fails, the success object is used otherwise.

Sample trials

"trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 0, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 3 ], [ "VALUE", 3 ], [ "ANGER", -3 ] ] }
"trial": { "type": "INTIMIDATE", "difficulty": 20, "mod": [ [ "FEAR", 8 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "TRUST", 2 ], [ "BRAVERY", -2 ] ] }
"trial": { "type": "CONDITION", "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "FARMER" } }

topic can also be a single topic object (the type member is not required here):

"success": {
    "topic": {
        "id": "TALK_NEXT",
        "dynamic_line": "...",
        "responses": [


This is an optional condition which can be used to prevent the response under certain circumstances. If not defined, it defaults to always true. If the condition is not met, the response is not included in the list of possible responses. For possible content see Dialogue Conditions below.

Repeat Responses

Repeat responses are responses that should be added to the response list multiple times, once for each instance of an item.

A repeat response has the following format:

  "for_item": [
  "response": { "text": "Delivering <topic_item>.", "topic": "TALK_DELIVER_ASK" }

"response" is mandatory and must be a standard dialogue response, as described above. "switch" is allowed in repeat responses and works normally.

One of "for_item" or "for_category", and each can either be a single string or list of items or item categories. The response is generated for each item in the list in the player or NPC’s inventory.

"is_npc" is an optional bool value, and if it is present, the NPC’s inventory list is checked. By default, the player’s inventory list is checked.

"include_containers" is an optional bool value, and if it is present, items containing an item will generate separate responses from the item itself.

Dialogue Effects

The effect field of speaker_effect or a response can be any of the following effects. Multiple effects should be arranged in a list and are processed in the order listed.


assign_missionAssigns a previously selected mission to your character.
mission_successResolves the current mission successfully.
mission_failureResolves the current mission as a failure.
clear_missionClears the mission from the your character’s assigned missions.
mission_rewardGives the player the mission’s reward.
assign_mission: mission_type_id stringWill assign mission mission_type_id to the player.
finish_mission: mission_type_id string,success: success_boolWill complete mission mission_type_id to the player as a success if success is true, as a failure otherwise.

Stats / Morale

give_aidRemoves all bites, infection, and bleeding from your character’s body and heals 10-25 HP of injury on each of your character’s body parts. Takes 30 minutes. NPC receives 30 minutes of currently_busy effect on start.
give_all_aidPerforms give_aid on your character and each of your character’s NPC allies in crafting range. Takes 1 hour. NPC receives 1 hour of currently_busy effect on start.
buy_haircutGives your character a haircut morale boost for 12 hours.
buy_shaveGives your character a shave morale boost for 6 hours.
morale_chatGives your character a pleasant conversation morale boost for 6 hours.
player_weapon_awayMakes your character put away (unwield) their weapon.
player_weapon_dropMakes your character drop their weapon.

Character effects / Mutations

u_add_effect: effect_string, (one of duration: duration_string, duration: duration_int)
npc_add_effect: effect_string, (one of duration: duration_string, duration: duration_int)
Your character or the NPC will gain the effect for duration_string or duration_int turns. If duration_string is "PERMANENT", the effect will be added permanently.
u_add_trait: trait_string
npc_add_trait: trait_string
Your character or the NPC will gain the trait.
u_lose_effect: effect_string
npc_lose_effect: effect_string
Your character or the NPC will lose the effect if they have it.
u_lose_trait: trait_string
npc_lose_trait: trait_string
Your character or the NPC will lose the trait.
u_add_var, npc_add_var: var_name, type: type_str, context: context_str, value: value_strYour character or the NPC will store value_str as a variable that can be later retrieved by u_has_var or npc_has_var. npc_add_var can be used to store arbitrary local variables, and u_add_var can be used to store arbitrary “global” variables, and should be used in preference to setting effects.
u_lose_var, npc_lose_var: var_name, type: type_str, context: context_strYour character or the NPC will clear any stored variable that has the same var_name, type_str, and context_str.
u_adjust_var, npc_adjust_var: var_name, type: type_str, context: context_str, adjustment: adjustment_numYour character or the NPC will adjust the stored variable by adjustment_num.
barber_hairOpens a menu allowing the player to choose a new hair style.
barber_beardOpens a menu allowing the player to choose a new beard style.
u_learn_recipe: recipe_stringYour character will learn and memorize the recipe recipe_string.
npc_first_topic: topic_stringNPC permanently changes first dialogue topic to topic_string.

Trade / Items

start_tradeOpens the trade screen and allows trading with the NPC.
buy_10_logsPlaces 10 logs in the ranch garage, and makes the NPC unavailable for 1 day.
buy_100_logsPlaces 100 logs in the ranch garage, and makes the NPC unavailable for 7 days.
give_equipmentAllows your character to select items from the NPC’s inventory and transfer them to your inventory.
npc_gets_itemAllows your character to select an item from your character’s inventory and transfer it to the NPC’s inventory. The NPC will not accept it if they do not have space or weight to carry it, and will set a reason that can be referenced in a future dynamic line with "use_reason".
npc_gets_item_to_useAllow your character to select an item from your character’s inventory and transfer it to the NPC’s inventory. The NPC will attempt to wield it and will not accept it if it is too heavy or is an inferior weapon to what they are currently using, and will set a reason that can be referenced in a future dynamic line with "use_reason".
u_buy_item: item_string, (optional cost: cost_num, optional count: count_num, optional container: container_string)The NPC will give your character the item or count_num copies of the item, contained in container, and will subtract cost_num from op_of_u.owed if specified. If the op_o_u.owed is less than cost_num, the trade window will open and the player will have to trade to make up the difference; the NPC will not give the player the item unless cost_num is satisfied.
If cost isn’t present, the NPC gives your character the item at no charge.
u_sell_item: item_string, (optional cost: cost_num, optional count: count_num)Your character will give the NPC the item or count_num copies of the item, and will add cost_num to the NPC’s op_of_u.owed if specified.
If cost isn’t present, the your character gives the NPC the item at no charge.
This effect will fail if you do not have at least count_num copies of the item, so it should be checked with u_has_items.
Only valid after a repeat_response. The player trades all instances of the item from the repeat_response with the NPC. For u_bulk_trade_accept, the player loses the items from their inventory and gains the same value of the NPC’s faction currecy; for npc_bulk_trade_accept, the player gains the items from the NPC’s inventory and loses the same value of the NPC’s faction currency. If there is remaining value, or the NPC doesn’t have a faction currency, the remainder goes into the NPC’s op_of_u.owed.
Only valid after a repeat_response. The player or NPC transfers all instances of the item from the repeat_response. For u_bulk_donate, the player loses the items from their inventory and the NPC gains them; for npc_bulk_donate, the player gains the items from the NPC’s inventory and the NPC loses them.
u_spend_ecash: amountRemove amount from your character’s pre-cataclysm bank account. Negative values means your character gains e-cash. NPCs should not deal in e-cash, only personal debts and items (including faction currency).
add_debt: mod_listIncreases the NPC’s debt to the player by the values in the mod_list.
The following would increase the NPC’s debt to the player by 1500x the NPC’s altruism and 1000x the NPC’s opinion of the player’s value: { "effect": { "add_debt": [ [ "ALTRUISM", 3 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "TOTAL", 500 ] ] } }
u_consume_item, npc_consume_item: item_string, (optional count: count_num)You or the NPC will delete the item or count_num copies of the item from their inventory.
This effect will fail if the you or NPC does not have at least count_num copies of the item, so it should be checked with u_has_items or npc_has_items.
u_remove_item_with, npc_remove_item_with: item_stringYou or the NPC will delete any instances of item in inventory.
This is an unconditional remove and will not fail if you or the NPC does not have the item.
u_buy_monster: monster_type_string, (optional cost: cost_num, optional count: count_num, optional name: name_string, optional pacified: pacified_bool)The NPC will give your character count_num (default 1) instances of the monster as pets and will subtract cost_num from op_of_u.owed if specified. If the op_o_u.owed is less than cost_num, the trade window will open and the player will have to trade to make up the difference; the NPC will not give the player the item unless cost_num is satisfied.
If cost isn’t present, the NPC gives your character the item at no charge.
If name_string is specified the monster(s) will have the specified name. If pacified_bool is set to true, the monster will have the pacified effect applied.

Behavior / AI

assign_guardMakes the NPC into a guard. If allied and at a camp, they will be assigned to that camp.
stop_guardReleases the NPC from their guard duty (also see assign_guard). Friendly NPCs will return to following.
wake_upWakes up sleeping, but not sedated, NPCs.
reveal_statsReveals the NPC’s stats, based on the player’s skill at assessing them.
end_conversationEnds the conversation and makes the NPC ignore you from now on.
insult_combatEnds the conversation and makes the NPC hostile, adds a message that character starts a fight with the NPC.
hostileMakes the NPC hostile and ends the conversation.
fleeMakes the NPC flee from your character.
followMakes the NPC follow your character, joining the “Your Followers” faction.
leaveMakes the NPC leave the “Your Followers” faction and stop following your character.
follow_onlyMakes the NPC follow your character without changing factions.
stop_followingMakes the NPC stop following your character without changing factions.
npc_thankfulMakes the NPC positively inclined toward your character.
drop_weaponMakes the NPC drop their weapon.
stranger_neutralChanges the NPC’s attitude to neutral.
start_muggingThe NPC will approach your character and steal from your character, attacking if your character resists.
lead_to_safetyThe NPC will gain the LEAD attitude and give your character the mission of reaching safety.
start_trainingThe NPC will train your character in a skill or martial art.
companion_mission: role_stringThe NPC will offer you a list of missions for your allied NPCs, depending on the NPC’s role.
basecamp_missionThe NPC will offer you a list of missions for your allied NPCs, depending on the local basecamp.
bionic_installThe NPC installs a bionic from your character’s inventory onto your character, using very high skill, and charging you according to the operation’s difficulty.
bionic_removeThe NPC removes a bionic from your character, using very high skill, and charging you according to the operation’s difficulty.
npc_class_change: class_stringChange the NPC’s faction to class_string.
npc_faction_change: faction_stringChange the NPC’s faction membership to faction_string.
u_faction_rep: rep_numIncreases your reputation with the NPC’s current faction, or decreases it if rep_num is negative.
toggle_npc_rule: rule_stringToggles the value of a boolean NPC follower AI rule such as "use_silent" or "allow_bash"
set_npc_rule: rule_stringSets the value of a boolean NPC follower AI rule such as "use_silent" or "allow_bash"
clear_npc_rule: rule_stringClears the value of a boolean NPC follower AI rule such as "use_silent" or "allow_bash"
set_npc_engagement_rule: rule_stringSets the NPC follower AI rule for engagement distance to the value of rule_string.
set_npc_aim_rule: rule_stringSets the NPC follower AI rule for aiming speed to the value of rule_string.
npc_dieThe NPC will die at the end of the conversation.

Map Updates

mapgen_update: mapgen_update_id_string
mapgen_update: list of mapgen_update_id_strings, (optional assign_mission_target parameters) | With no other parameters, updates the overmap tile at the player’s current location with the changes described in mapgen_update_id (or for each mapgen_update_id in the list). The assign_mission_target parameters can be used to change the location of the overmap tile that gets updated. See the missions docs for assign_mission_target parameters and the mapgen docs for mapgen_update.


Sets the appropriate effect on the NPC for a few hours.
These are deprecated in favor of the more flexible npc_add_effect described above.

Sample effects

{ "topic": "TALK_EVAC_GUARD3_HOSTILE", "effect": [ { "u_faction_rep": -15 }, { "npc_change_faction": "hells_raiders" } ] }
{ "text": "Let's trade then.", "effect": "start_trade", "topic": "TALK_EVAC_MERCHANT" },
{ "text": "What needs to be done?", "topic": "TALK_CAMP_OVERSEER", "effect": { "companion_mission": "FACTION_CAMP" } }
{ "text": "Do you like it?", "topic": "TALK_CAMP_OVERSEER", "effect": [ { "u_add_effect": "concerned", "duration": 600 }, { "npc_add_effect": "touched", "duration": "3600" }, { "u_add_effect": "empathetic", "duration": "PERMANENT" } ] }

opinion changes

As a special effect, an NPC’s opinion of your character can change. Use the following:

opinion: { }

trust, value, fear, and anger are optional keywords inside the opinion object. Each keyword must be followed by a numeric value. The NPC’s opinion is modified by the value.

Sample opinions

{ "effect": "follow", "opinion": { "trust": 1, "value": 1 }, "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
{ "topic": "TALK_DENY_FOLLOW", "effect": "deny_follow", "opinion": { "fear": -1, "value": -1, "anger": 1 } }

mission_opinion: { }

trust, value, fear, and anger are optional keywords inside the mission_opinion object. Each keyword must be followed by a numeric value. The NPC’s opinion is modified by the value.

Dialogue conditions

Conditions can be a simple string with no other values, a key and an int, a key and a string, a key and an array, or a key and an object. Arrays and objects can nest with each other and can contain any other condition.

The following keys and simple strings are available:

Boolean logic

"and"arraytrue if every condition in the array is true. Can be used to create complex condition tests, like "[INTELLIGENCE 10+][PERCEPTION 12+] Your jacket is torn. Did you leave that scrap of fabric behind?"
"or"arraytrue if any condition in the array is true. Can be used to create complex condition tests, like "[STRENGTH 9+] or [DEXTERITY 9+] I'm sure I can handle one zombie."
"not"objecttrue if the condition in the object or string is false. Can be used to create complex conditions test by negating other conditions, for text such as
"[INTELLIGENCE 7-] Hitting the reactor with a hammer should shut it off safely, right?"

Player or NPC conditions

These conditions can be tested for the player using the "u_" form, and for the NPC using the "npc_" form.

simple stringtrue if the player character or NPC is male.
simple stringtrue if the player character or NPC is female.
stringtrue if the player character or NPC is standing on an overmap tile with u_at_om_location’s id. The special string "FACTION_CAMP_ANY" changes it to return true if the player or NPC is standing on a faction camp overmap tile. The special string "FACTION_CAMP_START" changes it to return true if the overmap tile that the player or NPC is standing on can be turned into a faction camp overmap tile.
stringtrue if the player character or NPC has a specific trait. Simpler versions of u_has_any_trait and npc_has_any_trait that only checks for one trait.
stringtrue if the player character or NPC has any traits with the specific trait flag. More robust versions of u_has_any_trait and npc_has_any_trait. The special trait flag "MUTATION_THRESHOLD" checks to see if the player or NPC has crossed a mutation threshold.
arraytrue if the player character or NPC has any trait or mutation in the array. Used to check multiple specific traits.
"u_has_var", "npc_has_var"string"type": type_str, "context": context_str, and "value": value_str are required fields in the same dictionary as "u_has_var" or "npc_has_var".
true is the player character or NPC has a variable set by "u_add_var" or "npc_add_var" with the string, type_str, context_str, and value_str.
"u_compare_var", "npc_compare_var"dictionary"type": type_str, "context": context_str, "op": op_str, "value": value_num are required fields, referencing a var as in "u_add_var" or "npc_add_var".
true if the player character or NPC has a stored variable that is true for the provided operator op_str (one of ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=) and value.
inttrue if the player character’s or NPC’s strength is at least the value of u_has_strength or npc_has_strength.
inttrue if the player character’s or NPC’s dexterity is at least the value of u_has_dexterity or npc_has_dexterity.
inttrue if the player character’s or NPC’s intelligence is at least the value of u_has_intelligence or npc_has_intelligence.
inttrue if the player character’s or NPC’s perception is at least the value of u_has_perception or npc_has_perception.
stringtrue if the player character or NPC has something with u_has_item’s or npc_has_item’s item_id in their inventory.
dictionaryu_has_items or npc_has_items must be a dictionary with an item string and a count int.
true if the player character or NPC has at least count charges or counts of item in their inventory.
string"count": item_count is an optional field that must be in the same dictionary and defaults to 1 if not specified. true if the player or NPC has item_count items with the same category as u_has_item_category or npc_has_item_category.
stringtrue if the player or NPC has an installed bionic with an bionic_id matching "u_has_bionics" or "npc_has_bionics". The special string “ANY” returns true if the player or NPC has any installed bionics.
stringtrue if the player character or NPC is under the effect with u_has_effect or npc_has_effect’s effect_id.
simple stringtrue if the player character or NPC is wielding a weapon and has enough space to put it away.
simple stringtrue if the player character or NPC is wielding a weapon.
simple stringtrue if the player character or NPC is operating a vehicle. Note NPCs cannot currently operate vehicles.
dictionaryu_has_skill or npc_has_skill must be a dictionary with a skill string and a level int.
true if the player character or NPC has at least the value of level in skill.
"u_know_recipe"stringtrue if the player character knows the recipe specified in u_know_recipe. It only counts as known if it is actually memorized—holding a book with the recipe in it will not count.

Player Only conditions

"u_has_mission" | string | true if the mission is assigned to the player character. "u_has_ecash" | int | true if the player character has at least u_has_ecash ecash available in his pre-cataclysm bank account. NPCs should not deal in e-cash, only personal debts and items (including faction currency). "u_are_owed" | int | true if the NPC’s op_of_u.owed is at least u_are_owed. Can be used to check if the player can buy something from the NPC without needing to barter anything. "u_has_camp" | simple string | true is the player has one or more active base camps.

Player and NPC interaction conditions

"at_safe_space"simple stringtrue if the NPC’s current overmap location passes the is_safe() test.
"has_assigned_mission"simple stringtrue if the player character has exactly one mission from the NPC. Can be used for texts like “About that job…“.
"has_many_assigned_missions"simple stringtrue if the player character has several mission from the NPC (more than one). Can be used for texts like “About one of those jobs…” and to switch to the "TALK_MISSION_LIST_ASSIGNED" topic.
"has_no_available_mission"simple stringtrue if the NPC has no jobs available for the player character.
"has_available_mission"simple stringtrue if the NPC has one job available for the player character.
"has_many_available_missions"simple stringtrue if the NPC has several jobs available for the player character.
"mission_goal"stringtrue if the NPC’s current mission has the same goal as mission_goal.
"mission_complete"simple stringtrue if the player has completed the NPC’s current mission.
"mission_incomplete"simple stringtrue if the player hasn’t completed the NPC’s current mission.
"mission_has_generic_rewards"simple stringtrue if the NPC’s current mission is flagged as having generic rewards.
"npc_service"simple stringtrue if the NPC does not have the "currently_busy" effect. Useful to check if the player character can hire an NPC to perform a task that would take time to complete. Functionally, this is identical to not": { "npc_has_effect": "currently_busy" }. Same as npc_available.
"npc_allies"inttrue if the player character has at least npc_allies number of NPC allies.
"npc_following"simple stringtrue if the NPC is following the player character.
"is_by_radio"simple stringtrue if the player is talking to the NPC over a radio.

NPC only conditions

"npc_available"simple stringtrue if the NPC does not have effect "currently_busy".
"npc_following"simple stringtrue if the NPC is following the player character.
"npc_friend"simple stringtrue if the NPC is friendly to the player character.
"npc_hostile"simple stringtrue if the NPC is an enemy of the player character.
"npc_train_skills"simple stringtrue if the NPC has one or more skills with more levels than the player.
"npc_train_styles"simple stringtrue if the NPC knows one or more martial arts styles that the player does not know.
"npc_has_class"arraytrue if the NPC is a member of an NPC class.
"npc_role_nearby"stringtrue if there is an NPC with the same companion mission role as npc_role_nearby within 100 tiles.
"has_reason"simple stringtrue if a previous effect set a reason for why an effect could not be completed.

NPC Follower AI rules

"npc_aim_rule"stringtrue if the NPC follower AI rule for aiming matches the string.
"npc_engagement_rule"stringtrue if the NPC follower AI rule for engagement matches the string.
"npc_rule"stringtrue if the NPC follower AI rule for that matches string is set.


"days_since_cataclysm"inttrue if at least days_since_cataclysm days have passed since the Cataclysm.
"is_season"stringtrue if the current season matches is_season, which must be one of ”spring", "summer", "autumn", or "winter".
"is_day"simple stringtrue if it is currently daytime.
"is_outside"simple stringtrue if the NPC is on a tile without a roof.

Sample responses with conditions and effects

  "text": "Understood.  I'll get those antibiotics.",
  "topic": "TALK_NONE",
  "condition": { "npc_has_effect": "infected" }
  "text": "I'm sorry for offending you.  I predict you will feel better in exactly one hour.",
  "topic": "TALK_NONE",
  "effect": { "npc_add_effect": "deeply_offended", "duration": 600 }
  "text": "Nice to meet you too.",
  "topic": "TALK_NONE",
  "effect": { "u_add_effect": "has_met_example_NPC", "duration": "PERMANENT" }
  "text": "Nice to meet you too.",
  "topic": "TALK_NONE",
  "condition": {
    "not": {
      "npc_has_var": "has_met_PC", "type": "general", "context": "examples", "value": "yes"
  "effect": {
    "npc_add_var": "has_met_PC", "type": "general", "context": "examples", "value": "yes" }
  "text": "[INT 11] I'm sure I can organize salvage operations to increase the bounty scavengers bring in!",
  "condition": { "u_has_intelligence": 11 }
  "text": "[STR 11] I punch things in face real good!",
  "condition": { "and": [ { "not": { "u_has_intelligence": 7 } }, { "u_has_strength": 11 } ] }
{ "text": "[100 Merch, 1d] 10 logs", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "buy_10_logs", "condition":
{ "and": [ "npc_service", { "u_has_items": { "item": "FMCNote", "count": 100 } } ] } },
{ "text": "Maybe later.", "topic": "TALK_RANCH_WOODCUTTER", "condition": "npc_available" },
  "text": "[1 Merch] I'll take a beer",
  "topic": "TALK_DONE",
  "condition": { "u_has_item": "FMCNote" },
  "effect": [{ "u_sell_item": "FMCNote" }, { "u_buy_item": "beer", "container": "bottle_glass", "count": 2 }]
  "text": "Okay.  Lead the way.",
  "topic": "TALK_DONE",
  "condition": { "not": "at_safe_space" },
  "effect": "lead_to_safety"
  "text": "About one of those missions...",
  "condition": { "and": [ "has_many_assigned_missions", { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" } ] }
  "text": "[MISSION] The captain sent me to get a frequency list from you.",
  "condition": {
    "and": [
      { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" },
      { "u_has_mission": "MISSION_OLD_GUARD_NEC_1" },
      { "not": { "u_has_effect": "has_og_comm_freq" } }
    "text": "I killed them.  All of them.",
    "topic": "TALK_MISSION_SUCCESS",
    "condition": {
        "and": [ { "or": [ { "mission_goal": "KILL_MONSTER_SPEC" }, { "mission_goal": "KILL_MONSTER_TYPE" } ] }, "mission_complete" ]
    "switch": true
    "text": "Glad to help.  I need no payment.",
    "topic": "TALK_NONE",
    "effect": "clear_mission",
    "mission_opinion": { "trust": 4, "value": 3 },
    "opinion": { "fear": -1, "anger": -1 }
    "text": "Maybe you can teach me something as payment?",
    "topic": "TALK_TRAIN",
    "condition": { "or": [ "npc_train_skills", "npc_train_styles" ] },
    "effect": "mission_reward"
    "truefalsetext": {
        "true": "I killed him.",
        "false": "I killed it.",
        "condition": { "mission_goal": "ASSASSINATE" }
    "condition": {
        "and": [
                "or": [
                    { "mission_goal": "ASSASSINATE" },
                    { "mission_goal": "KILL_MONSTER" },
                    { "mission_goal": "KILL_MONSTER_SPEC" },
                    { "mission_goal": "KILL_MONSTER_TYPE" }
    "trial": { "type": "LIE", "difficulty": 10, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 3 ] ] },
    "success": { "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
    "failure": { "topic": "TALK_MISSION_FAILURE" }
  "text": "Didn't you say you knew where the Vault was?",
  "topic": "TALK_VAULT_INFO",
  "condition": { "not": { "u_has_var": "asked_about_vault", "value": "yes", "type": "sentinel", "context": "old_guard_rep" } },
  "effect": [
      { "u_add_var": "asked_about_vault", "value": "yes", "type": "sentinel", "context": "old_guard" },
      { "mapgen_update": "hulk_hairstyling", "om_terrain": "necropolis_a_13", "om_special": "Necropolis", "om_terrain_replace": "field", "z": 0 }
  "text": "Why do zombies keep attacking every time I talk to you?",
  "condition": { "u_has_var": "even_more_zombies", "value": "yes", "type": "trigger", "context": "learning_experience" },
  "effect": [
    { "mapgen_update": [ "even_more_zombies", "more zombies" ], "origin_npc": true },
    { "mapgen_update": "more zombies", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": 1 },
    { "mapgen_update": "more zombies", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": -1 },
    { "mapgen_update": "more zombies", "origin_npc": true, "offset_y": 1 },
    { "mapgen_update": "more zombies", "origin_npc": true, "offset_y": -1 }