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Cataclysm: Bright Nights


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Scenarios are specified as JSON object with type member set to scenario.

    "type": "scenario",
    "id": "schools_out",

The id member should be the unique id of the scenario.

The following properties (mandatory, except if noted otherwise) are supported:



The in-game description.


(string or object with members “male” and “female”)

The in-game name, either one gender-neutral string, or an object with gender specific names. Example:

"name": {
    "male": "Runaway groom",
    "female": "Runaway bride"



Point cost of scenario. Positive values cost points and negative values grant points.


(optional, object with optional members “both”, “male” and “female”)

Items the player starts with when selecting this scenario. One can specify different items based on the gender of the character. Each lists of items should be an array of items ids. Ids may appear multiple times, in which case the item is created multiple times.


"items": {
    "both": [
    "male": [ "briefs" ],
    "female": [ "panties" ]

This gives the player pants, two rocks and (depending on the gender) briefs or panties.

Mods can modify the lists of an existing scenario via “add

” / “add
” / “add
” and “remove
” / “remove
” / “remove

Example for mods:

  "type": "scenario",
  "id": "schools_out",
  "edit-mode": "modify",
  "items": {
    "remove:both": ["rock"],
    "add:female": ["2x4"]


(optional, array with group and density number)

This replaces the SUR_START flag for scenarios, specifies groups of monsters which spawn in the area surrounding the scenario’s staritng location.

"surround_groups": [ [ "GROUP_BLACK_ROAD", 70.0 ] ],

The string defines the ID of which monstergroup will be spawned in the surrounding area, while the number is the density of spawns. 70.0 replicates the value of the original SUR_START behavior.


(optional, array of strings)

A list of flags. TODO: document those flags here.

Mods can modify this via “add

” and “remove


(optional, array of strings)

A list of CBM ids that are implanted in the character.

Mods can modify this via “add

” and “remove

traits", "forced_traits", "forbidden_traits

(optional, array of strings)

Lists of trait/mutation ids. Traits in “forbidden_traits” are forbidden and can’t be selected during the character creation. Traits in “forced_traits” are automatically added to character. Traits in “traits” enables them to be chosen, even if they are not starting traits.

Mods can modify this via “add

” / “add
” / “add
” and “remove
” / “remove
” / “remove


(optional, array of strings)

A list of starting location ids (see start_locations.json) that can be chosen when using this scenario.



The name that is shown for the starting location. This is useful if the scenario allows several starting locations, but the game can not list them all at once in the scenario description. Example: if the scenario allows to start somewhere in the wilderness, the starting locations would contain forest and fields, but its “start_name” may simply be “wilderness”.


(optional, array of strings)

A list of allowed professions that can be chosen when using this scenario. The first entry is the default profession. If this is empty, all professions are allowed.


(optional, string)

Add a map special to the starting location, see JSON_FLAGS for the possible specials.


(optional, array of strings)

A list of mission ids that will be started and assigned to the player at the start of the game. Only missions with the ORIGIN_GAME_START origin are allowed. The last mission in the list will be the active mission, if multiple missions are assigned.