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Cataclysm: Bright Nights


This document describes the contents of the json files used in Cataclysm: Dark days ahead. You are probably reading this if you want to add or change content of Catacysm: Dark days ahead and need to learn more about what to find where and what each file and property does.

A lot of the JSON involves cross-references to other JSON entities. To make it easier to navigate, we provide a script tools/json_tools/ that can build a tags file for you.

To run the script you’ll need Python 3. On Windows you’ll probably need to install that, and associate .py files with Python. Then open a command prompt, navigate to your CDDA folder, and run tools\json_tools\

To use this feature your editor will need ctags support. When that’s working you should be able to easily jump to the definition of any entity. For example, by positioning your cursor over an id and hitting the appropriate key combination.

  • In Vim, this feature exists by default, and you can jump to a definition using ^\].
  • In Notepad++ go to “Plugins” -> “Plugins Admin” and enable the “TagLEET” plugin. Then select any id and press Alt+Space to open the references window.

The type Property

Entries are distinguished by their type property. This property is mandatory for all entries. Setting this entry to ‘armor’ for example means the game will expect properties specific to armor in that entry. Also ties in with copy-from, if you want to inherit properties of another object, it must be of the same tipe.


When editing JSON files make sure you apply the correct formatting as shown below.

Time duration

A string containing one or more pairs of number and time duration unit. Number and unit, as well as each pair, can be separated by an arbitrary amount of spaces. Available units:

  • “hours”, “hour”, “h” - one hour
  • “days”, “day”, “d” - one day
  • “minutes”, “minute”, “m” - one minute
  • “turns”, “turn”, “t” - one turn,


  • ” +1 day -23 hours 50m ” (1*24*60 - 23*60 + 50 == 110 minutes)
  • “1 turn 1 minutes 9 turns” (1 minute and 10 seconds because 1 turn is 1 second)

Other formatting

"//" : "comment", // Preferred method of leaving comments inside json files.

Some json strings are extracted for translation, for example item names, descriptions, etc. The exact extraction is handled in lang/ Apart from the obvious way of writing a string without translation context, the string can also have an optional translation context (and sometimes a plural form), by writing it like:

"name": { "ctxt": "foo", "str": "bar", "str_pl": "baz" }

or, if the plural form is the same as the singular form:

"name": { "ctxt": "foo", "str_sp": "foo" }

You can also add comments for translators by adding a ”//~” entry like below. The order of the entries does not matter.

"name": {
    "//~": "as in 'foobar'",
    "str": "bar"

Currently, only some JSON values support this syntax.

Description and content of each JSON file

This section describes each json file and their contents. Each json has their own unique properties that are not shared with other Json files (for example ‘chapters’ property used in books does not apply to armor). This will make sure properties are only described and used within the context of the appropriate JSON file.

data/json/ JSONs


idUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
pictureArray of string, each entry is a line of an ascii picture and must be at most 42 columns long.
  "type": "ascii_art",
  "id": "cashcard",
  "picture": [
    "       <color_white>╔═══════════════════╗",
    "       <color_white>║                   ║",
    "       <color_white>║</color> <color_yellow>╔═   ╔═╔═╗╔═║ ║</color>   <color_white>║",
    "       <color_white>║</color> <color_yellow>║═ ┼ ║ ║═║╚╗║═║</color>   <color_white>║",
    "       <color_white>║</color> <color_yellow>╚═   ╚═║ ║═╝║ ║</color>   <color_white>║",
    "       <color_white>║                   ║",
    "       <color_white>║   RIVTECH TRUST   ║",
    "       <color_white>║                   ║",
    "       <color_white>║                   ║",
    "       <color_white>║ 555 993 55221 066 ║",
    "       <color_white>╚═══════════════════╝"


id(mandatory) Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
name(mandatory) In-game name displayed.
accusative(mandatory) Accusative form for this bodypart.
heading(mandatory) How it’s displayed in headings.
heading_multiple(optional) Plural form of heading. (default: heading value)
hp_bar_ui_text(optional) How it’s displayed next to the hp bar in the panel. (default: empty string)
encumbrance_text(optional) Description of effect when encumbered. (default: empty string)
main_part(optional) What is the main part this one is attached to. (default: self)
base_hp(optional) The amount of hp this part has before any modification. (default: 60)
opposite_part(optional) What is the opposite part ot this one in case of a pair. (default: self)
essential(optional) Whether the character dies if this part drops to 0 HP.
hit_size(optional) Float. Size of the body part when doing an unweighted selection. (default: 0.)
hit_size_relative(optional) Float. Hit sizes for attackers who are smaller, equal in size, and bigger. (default: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
hit_difficulty(optional) Float. How hard is it to hit a given body part, assuming “owner” is hit. Higher number means good hits will veer towards this part, lower means this part is unlikely to be hit by inaccurate attacks. Formula is chance *= pow(hit_roll, hit_difficulty) (default: 0)
side(optional) Which side this body part is on. Default both.
stylish_bonus(optional) Mood bonus associated with wearing fancy clothing on this part. (default: 0)
hot_morale_mod(optional) Mood effect of being too hot on this part. (default: 0)
cold_morale_mod(optional) Mood effect of being too cold on this part. (default: 0)
squeamish_penalty(optional) Mood effect of wearing filthy clothing on this part. (default: 0)
bionic_slots(optional) How many bionic slots does this part have.
  "id": "torso",
  "type": "body_part",
  "name": "torso",
  "accusative": { "ctxt": "bodypart_accusative", "str": "torso" },
  "heading": "Torso",
  "heading_multiple": "Torso",
  "hp_bar_ui_text": "TORSO",
  "encumbrance_text": "Dodging and melee is hampered.",
  "main_part": "torso",
  "opposite_part": "torso",
  "hit_size": 45,
  "hit_size_relative": [20, 33.33, 36.57],
  "hit_difficulty": 1,
  "side": "both",
  "legacy_id": "TORSO",
  "stylish_bonus": 6,
  "hot_morale_mod": 2,
  "cold_morale_mod": 2,
  "squeamish_penalty": 6,
  "base_hp": 60,
  "bionic_slots": 80


id(mandatory) Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
name(mandatory) In-game name displayed.
description(mandatory) In-game description.
flags(optional) A list of flags. See for supported values.
act_cost(optional) How many kJ it costs to activate the bionic. Strings can be used “1 kJ”/“1000 J”/“1000000 mJ” (default: 0)
deact_cost(optional) How many kJ it costs to deactivate the bionic. Strings can be used “1 kJ”/“1000 J”/“1000000 mJ” (default: 0)
react_cost(optional) How many kJ it costs over time to keep this bionic active, does nothing without a non-zero “time”. Strings can be used “1 kJ”/“1000 J”/“1000000 mJ” (default: 0)
time(optional) How long, when activated, between drawing cost. If 0, it draws power once. (default: 0)
upgraded_bionic(optional) Bionic that can be upgraded by installing this one.
required_bionics(optional) Bionics which are required to install this bionic, and which cannot be uninstalled if this bionic is installed
available_upgrades(optional) Upgrades available for this bionic, i.e. the list of bionics
having this one referenced by upgraded_bionic.
and how much this bionic encumber them.
carrying capacity in grams, can be negative. Strings can be used - “5000 g” or “5 kg” (default: 0)
(default: 1)
when this bionic is installed (e.g. because it replaces the fault biological part).
included_bionics(optional) Additional bionics that are installed automatically when this bionic
is installed. This can be used to install several bionics from one CBM item, which is useful as each
of those can be activated independently.
with another. If true this bionic does not require a CBM item to be defined. (default: false)
env_protec(optional) How much environmental protection does this bionic provide on the
specified body parts.
provide on the specified body parts.
bionic provide on the specified body parts.
protect does this bionic provide on the specified body parts.
A list of body parts occupied by this bionic, and the number of bionic slots it take on those parts.
kJ”/“1000 J”/“1000000 mJ” (default: 0)
bionic can use to produce bionic power.
allows you to plug your power banks to an external power source (solar backpack, UPS, vehicle etc)
via a cable. (default: false)
(default: 1)
converted into power. Useful for CBM using PERPETUAL fuel like muscle, wind or sun_light.
(default: 0)
power. (default: false)
diminishing fuel_efficiency. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. (default: nullopt)
(optional) emit_id of the field emitted by this bionic when it produces energy. Emit_ids are
defined in emit.json.
designated as follow: “DEX”, “INT”, “STR”, “PER”.
enchantments applied by this CBM (see for instructions on enchantment. NB: enchantments are
not necessarily magic.)
installing this CBM, and lose when you uninstall this CBM. Spell classes are automatically gained.
fake_item(optional) ID of fake item used by this bionic. Mandatory for gun and weapon
    "id"           : "bio_batteries",
    "name"         : "Battery System",
    "active"       : false,
    "act_cost"     : 0,
    "time"         : 1,
    "fuel_efficiency": 1,
    "stat_bonus": [ [ "INT", 2 ], [ "STR", 2 ] ],
    "fuel_options": [ "battery" ],
    "fuel_capacity": 500,
    "encumbrance"  : [ [ "torso", 10 ], [ "arm_l", 10 ], [ "arm_r", 10 ], [ "leg_l", 10 ], [ "leg_r", 10 ], [ "foot_l", 10 ], [ "foot_r", 10 ] ],
    "description"  : "You have a battery draining attachment, and thus can make use of the energy contained in normal, everyday batteries. Use 'E' to consume batteries.",
    "canceled_mutations": ["HYPEROPIC"],
    "included_bionics": ["bio_blindfold"]
    "id": "bio_purifier",
    "type": "bionic",
    "name": "Air Filtration System",
    "description": "Surgically implanted in your trachea is an advanced filtration system.  If toxins, or airborne diseases find their way into your windpipe, the filter will attempt to remove them.",
    "occupied_bodyparts": [ [ "torso", 4 ], [ "mouth", 2 ] ],
    "env_protec": [ [ "mouth", 7 ] ],
    "bash_protec": [ [ "leg_l", 3 ], [ "leg_r", 3 ] ],
    "cut_protec": [ [ "leg_l", 3 ], [ "leg_r", 3 ] ],
    "bullet_protec": [ [ "leg_l", 3 ], [ "leg_r", 3 ] ],
    "learned_spells": [ [ "mint_breath", 2 ] ],
    "flags": [ "BIONIC_NPC_USABLE" ]

Bionics effects are defined in the code and new effects cannot be created through JSON alone. When adding a new bionic, if it’s not included with another one, you must also add the corresponding CBM item in data/json/items/bionics.json. Even for a faulty bionic.


messagesList of potential dreams.
categoryMutation category needed to dream.
strengthMutation category strength required (1 = 20-34, 2 = 35-49, 3 = 50+).
  "messages": [
    "You have a strange dream about birds.",
    "Your dreams give you a strange feathered feeling."
  "category": "MUTCAT_BIRD",
  "strength": 1


idUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
min_durationThe minimum duration the disease can last. Uses strings “x m”, “x s”,“x d”.
max_durationThe maximum duration the disease can last.
min_intensityThe minimum intensity of the effect applied by the disease
max_intensityThe maximum intensity of the effect.
health_thresholdThe amount of health above which one is immune to the disease. Must be between -200 and 200. (optional )
symptomsThe effect applied by the disease.
affected_bodypartsThe list of bodyparts on which the effect is applied. (optional, default to num_bp)
  "type": "disease_type",
  "id": "bad_food",
  "min_duration": "6 m",
  "max_duration": "1 h",
  "min_intensity": 1,
  "max_intensity": 1,
  "affected_bodyparts": ["TORSO"],
  "health_threshold": 100,
  "symptoms": "foodpoison"

Item Groups

Item groups have been expanded, look at the detailed docs to their new description. The syntax listed here is still valid.

idUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
itemsList of potential item ID’s. Chance of an item spawning is x/T, where X is the value linked to the specific item and T is the total of all item values in a group.
  "id": "forest",
  "items": [
    ["rock", 40],
    ["stick", 95],
    ["mushroom", 4],
    ["mushroom_poison", 3],
    ["mushroom_magic", 1],
    ["blueberries", 3]
  "groups": []

Item Category

When you sort your inventory by category, these are the categories that are displayed.

idUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
nameThe name of the category. This is what shows up in-game when you open the inventory.
zoneThe corresponding loot_zone (see loot_zones.json)
sort_rankUsed to sort categories when displaying. Lower values are shown first
priority_zonesWhen set, items in this category will be sorted to the priority zone if the conditions are met. If the user does not have the priority zone in the zone manager, the items get sorted into zone set in the ‘zone’ property. It is a list of objects. Each object has 3 properties: ID: The id of a LOOT_ZONE (see LOOT_ZONES.json), filthy: boolean. setting this means filthy items of this category will be sorted to the priority zone, flags: array of flags
  "id": "armor",
  "name": "ARMOR",
  "zone": "LOOT_ARMOR",
  "sort_rank": -21,
  "priority_zones": [{ "id": "LOOT_FARMOR", "filthy": true, "flags": ["RAINPROOF"] }]


idUnique ID. Lowercase snake_case. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
nameIn-game name displayed.
bash_resistHow well a material resists bashing damage.
cut_resistHow well a material resists cutting damage.
bullet_resistHow well a material resists bullet damage.
acid_resistAbility of a material to resist acid.
elec_resistAbility of a material to resist electricity.
fire_resistAbility of a material to resist fire.
chip_resistReturns resistance to being damaged by attacks against the item itself.
bash_dmg_verbVerb used when material takes bashing damage.
cut_dmg_verbVerb used when material takes cutting damage.
dmg_adjDescription added to damaged item in ascending severity.
dmg_adjAdjectives used to describe damage states of a material.
densityDensity of a material.
vitaminsVitamins in a material. Usually overridden by item specific values.
wind_resistPercentage 0-100. How effective this material is at stopping wind from getting through. Higher values are better. If none of the materials an item is made of specify a value, a default of 99 is assumed.
warmth_when_wetPercentage of warmth retained when fully drenched. Default is 0.2.
specific_heat_liquidSpecific heat of a material when not frozen (J/(g K)). Default 4.186.
specific_heat_solidSpecific heat of a material when frozen (J/(g K)). Default 2.108.
latent_heatLatent heat of fusion for a material (J/g). Default 334.
freeze_pointFreezing point of this material (F). Default 32 F ( 0 C ).
edibleOptional boolean. Default is false.
rottingOptional boolean. Default is false.
softOptional boolean. Default is false.
reinforcesOptional boolean. Default is false.

There are six -resist parameters: acid, bash, chip, cut, elec, and fire. These are integer values; the default is 0 and they can be negative to take more damage.

  "type": "material",
  "id": "hflesh",
  "name": "Human Flesh",
  "density": 5,
  "specific_heat_liquid": 3.7,
  "specific_heat_solid": 2.15,
  "latent_heat": 260,
  "edible": true,
  "rotting": true,
  "bash_resist": 1,
  "cut_resist": 1,
  "bullet_resist": 1,
  "acid_resist": 1,
  "fire_resist": 1,
  "elec_resist": 1,
  "chip_resist": 2,
  "dmg_adj": ["bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated"],
  "bash_dmg_verb": "bruised",
  "cut_dmg_verb": "sliced",
  "vitamins": [["calcium", 0.1], ["vitB", 1], ["iron", 1.3]],
  "burn_data": [
    { "fuel": 1, "smoke": 1, "burn": 1, "volume_per_turn": "2500_ml" },
    { "fuel": 2, "smoke": 3, "burn": 2, "volume_per_turn": "10000_ml" },
    { "fuel": 3, "smoke": 10, "burn": 3 }

Monster Groups

Group definition

nameUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
defaultDefault monster, automatically fills in any remaining spawn chances.
monstersTo choose a monster for spawning, the game creates 1000 entries and picks one. Each monster will have a number of entries equal to it’s “freq” and the default monster will fill in the remaining. See the table below for how to build the single monster definitions.
is_safe(bool) Check to not trigger safe-mode warning.
is_animal(bool) Check if that group has only normal animals.

Monster definition

monsterThe monster’s unique ID, eg. "mon_zombie".
freqChance of occurrence, x/1000.
cost_multiplierHow many monsters each monster in this definition should count as, if spawning a limited number of monsters.
pack_size(optional) The minimum and maximum number of monsters in this group that should spawn together. (default: [1,1])
conditionsConditions limit when monsters spawn. Valid options: SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING, DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN. Multiple Time-of-day conditions (DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid. Multiple Season conditions (SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid.
starts(optional) This entry becomes active after this time. (Measured in hours)
ends(optional) This entry becomes inactive after this time. (Measured in hours)
  "name": "GROUP_ANT",
  "default": "mon_ant",
  "monsters": [
    { "monster": "mon_ant_larva", "freq": 40, "multiplier": 0 },
    { "monster": "mon_ant_soldier", "freq": 90, "multiplier": 5 },
    { "monster": "mon_ant_queen", "freq": 0, "multiplier": 0 },
      "monster": "mon_thing",
      "freq": 100,
      "multiplier": 0,
      "pack_size": [3, 5],
      "conditions": ["DUSK", "DAWN", "SUMMER"]

Monster Factions

nameUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores when necessary.
base_factionOptional base faction. Relations to other factions are inherited from it and relations of other factions to this one check this.
by_moodBe hostile towards this faction when angry, neutral otherwise. Default attitude to all other factions.
neutralAlways be neutral towards this faction.
friendlyAlways be friendly towards this faction. By default a faction is friendly towards itself.
hateAlways be hostile towards this faction. Will change target to monsters of this faction if available.
  "name": "cult",
  "base_faction": "zombie",
  "by_mood": ["blob"],
  "neutral": ["nether"],
  "friendly": ["blob"],
  "hate": ["fungus"]




{ "name" : "Aaliyah", "gender" : "female", "usage" : "given" }, // Name, gender, "given"/"family"/"city" (first/last/city name).
// NOTE: Please refrain from adding name PR's in order to maintain kickstarter exclusivity

Profession item substitution

Defines item replacements that are applied to the starting items based upon the starting traits. This allows for example to replace wool items with non-wool items when the characters starts with the wool allergy trait.

If the JSON objects contains a “item” member, it defines a replacement for the given item, like this:

  "type": "profession_item_substitutions",
  "item": "sunglasses",
  "sub": [
    { "present": [ "HYPEROPIC" ], "new": [ "fitover_sunglasses" ] },
    { "present": [ "MYOPIC" ], "new": [ { "fitover_sunglasses", "ratio": 2 } ] }

This defines each item of type “sunglasses” shall be replaced with:

  • an item “fitover_sunglasses” if the character has the “HYPEROPIC” trait,
  • two items “fitover_sunglasses” if the character has the “MYOPIC” trait.

If the JSON objects contains a “trait” member, it defines a replacement for multiple items that applies when the character has the given trait:

  "type": "profession_item_substitutions",
  "trait": "WOOLALLERGY",
  "sub": [
    { "item": "blazer", "new": [ "jacket_leather_red" ] },
    { "item": "hat_hunting", "new": [ { "item": "hat_cotton", "ratio": 2 } ] }
This defines characters with the WOOLALLERGY trait get some items replaced:
- "blazer" is converted into "jacket_leather_red",
- each "hat_hunting" is converted into *two* "hat_cotton" items.

### Professions

Professions are specified as JSON object with "type" member set to "profession":

    "type": "profession",
    "id": "hunter",

The id member should be the unique id of the profession.

The following properties (mandatory, except if noted otherwise) are supported:



The in-game description.


(string or object with members “male” and “female”)

The in-game name, either one gender-neutral string, or an object with gender specific names. Example:

"name": {
    "male": "Groom",
    "female": "Bride"



Point cost of profession. Positive values cost points and negative values grant points.


(optional, array of addictions)

List of starting addictions. Each entry in the list should be an object with the following members:

  • “type”: the string id of the addiction (see,
  • “intensity”: intensity (integer) of the addiction.


"addictions": [
    { "type": "nicotine", "intensity": 10 }

Mods can modify this list (requires "edit-mode": "modify", see example) via “add

” and “remove
”, removing requires only the addiction type. Example:

  "type": "profession",
  "id": "hunter",
  "edit-mode": "modify",
  "remove:addictions": [
  "add:addictions": [
    { "type": "alcohol", "intensity": 10 }


(optional, array of skill levels)

List of starting skills. Each entry in the list should be an object with the following members:

  • “name”: the string id of the skill (see skills.json),
  • “level”: level (integer) of the skill. This is added to the skill level that can be chosen in the character creation.


"skills": [
    { "name": "archery", "level": 2 }

Mods can modify this list (requires "edit-mode": "modify", see example) via “add

” and “remove
”, removing requires only the skill id. Example:

  "type": "profession",
  "id": "hunter",
  "edit-mode": "modify",
  "remove:skills": [
  "add:skills": [
    { "name": "computer", "level": 2 }


(optional, object with optional members “both”, “male” and “female”)

Items the player starts with when selecting this profession. One can specify different items based on the gender of the character. Each lists of items should be an array of items ids, or pairs of item ids and snippet ids. Item ids may appear multiple times, in which case the item is created multiple times. The syntax for each of the three lists is identical.


"items": {
    "both": [
        ["tshirt_text", "allyourbase"],
    "male": [
    "female": [

This gives the player pants, two rocks, a t-shirt with the snippet id “allyourbase” (giving it a special description), socks and (depending on the gender) briefs or panties.

Mods can modify the lists of existing professions. This requires the “edit-mode” member with value “modify” (see example). Adding items to the lists can be done with via “add

” / “add
” / “add
”. It allows the same content (it allows adding items with snippet ids). Removing items is done via “remove
” / “remove
” / “remove
”, which may only contain items ids.

Example for mods:

  "type": "profession",
  "id": "hunter",
  "edit-mode": "modify",
  "items": {
    "remove:both": [
    "add:both": ["2x4"],
    "add:female": [
      ["tshirt_text", "allyourbase"]

This mod removes one of the rocks (the other rock is still created), the t-shirt, adds a 2x4 item and gives female characters a t-shirt with the special snippet id.


(optional, array of string mtype_ids )

A list of strings, each is the same as a monster id player will start with these as tamed pets.


(optional, string vproto_id )

A string, which is the same as a vehicle ( vproto_id ) player will start with this as a nearby vehicle. ( it will find the nearest road and place it there, then mark it as “remembered” on the overmap )


(optional, array of strings)

A list of flags. TODO: document those flags here.

Mods can modify this via add:flags and remove:flags.


(optional, array of strings)

A list of CBM ids that are implanted in the character.

Mods can modify this via add:CBMs and remove:CBMs.


(optional, array of strings)

A list of trait/mutation ids that are applied to the character.

Mods can modify this via add:traits and remove:traits.


Recipes represent both craft and uncraft (disassembly) recipes.

"type": "recipe",            // Recipe type. Possible values: 'recipe' (craft recipe) and 'uncraft' (uncraft recipe).
"reversible": false,         // Generate an uncraft recipe that is a reverse of this craft recipe.
"result": "javelin",         // ID of resulting item. By default, also used as the ID of the recipe.
"id_suffix": "",             // Optional (default: empty string). Some suffix to make the ID of the recipe unique. The ID of the recipe is "<result><id_suffix>".
"category": "CC_WEAPON",     // Category of crafting recipe. CC_NONCRAFT used for disassembly recipes
"subcategory": "",           // Subcategory of crafting recipe. 
"override": false,           // Optional (default: false). If false and the ID of the recipe is already used by another recipe, loading of recipes fails. If true and a recipe with the ID is already defined, the existing recipe is replaced by the new recipe.
"obsolete": false,           // Optional (default: false). Marks this recipe as obsolete. Use this instead of outright deleting it to preserve save compatibility.
"delete_flags": [ "CANNIBALISM" ], // Optional (default: empty list). Flags specified here will be removed from the resultant item upon crafting. This will override flag inheritance, but *will not* delete flags that are part of the item type itself.
"contained": false,          // Optional (default: false). Spawn produced item in a container.
"container": "can_medium",   // Optional. Override container to spawn item in (by default uses item's default container)
"charges": 1,                // Optional (default: null). Override default charges for count-by-charges items (ammo, comestibles, etc.)
"result_mult": 1,            // Optional (default: 1). Produce multiple items (or stacks for count-by-charges items) from single craft
"skill_used": "fabrication", // Skill trained and used for success checks
"skills_required": [["survival", 1], ["throw", 2]], // Skills required to unlock recipe
"book_learn": [              // (optional) Array of books that this recipe can be learned from. Each entry contains the id of the book and the skill level at which it can be learned.
    [ "textbook_anarch", 7, "something" ], // The optional third entry defines a name for the recipe as it should appear in the books description (default is the name of resulting item of the recipe)
    [ "textbook_gaswarfare", 8, "" ] // If the name is empty, the recipe is hidden, it will not be shown in the description of the book.
"difficulty": 3,             // Difficulty of success check
"time": "5 m",               // Time to perform the recipe specified as time string (can use minutes, hours, etc.)
"time": 5000,                // Legacy time format, in moves. Won't be supported in the future. Here, 1000 ~= 10 turns ~= 10 seconds of game time
"autolearn": true,           // Automatically learned upon gaining required skills
"autolearn" : [              // Automatically learned upon gaining listed skills
    [ "survival", 2 ],
    [ "fabrication", 3 ]
"decomp_learn" : 4,          // Can be learned by disassembling an item of same type as result at this level of the skill_used
"decomp_learn" : [           // Can be learned by disassembling an item of same type as result at specified levels of skills
    [ "survival", 1 ],
    [ "fabrication", 2 ]
"never_learn": false,        // Optional (default: false). Prevents this recipe from being learned by the player. For debug or NPC purposes.
"batch_time_factors": [25, 15], // Optional factors for batch crafting time reduction. First number specifies maximum crafting time reduction as percentage, and the second number the minimal batch size to reach that number. In this example given batch size of 20 the last 6 crafts will take only 3750 time units.
"flags": [                   // A set of strings describing boolean features of the recipe
"construction_blueprint": "camp", // an optional string containing an update_mapgen_id.  Used by faction camps to upgrade their buildings. If non-empty, the function must exist.
"on_display": false,         // this is a hidden construction item, used by faction camps to calculate construction times but not available to the player
"using": [                   // Optional, string or array. Additional external requirements to use.
"qualities": [               // Generic qualities of tools needed to craft
"tools": [                   // Specific tools needed to craft
    [ "fire", -1 ]           // Charges consumed when tool is used, -1 means no charges are consumed
"components": [              // Equivalent tools or components are surrounded by a single set of brackets
  [ "spear_wood", 1 ],       // Number of charges/items required
  [ "pointy_stick", 1 ]
  [ "rag", 1 ],
  [ "leather", 1 ],
  [ "fur", 1 ]
  [ "plant_fibre", 20, false ], // Optional flag for recoverability, default is true.
  [ "sinew", 20, false ],
  [ "thread", 20, false ],
  [ "duct_tape", 20 ]  // Certain items are flagged as unrecoverable at the item definition level.

Overlapping recipe component requirements

If recipes have requirements which overlap, this makes it more difficult for the game to calculate whether it is possible to craft a recipe at all.

For example, the survivor telescope recipe has the following requirements (amongst others):

1 high-quality lens
1 high-quality lens OR 1 small high-quality lens

These overlap because both list the high-quality lens.

A small amount of overlap (such as the above) can be handled, but if you have too many component lists which overlap in too many ways, then you may see an error during recipe finalization that your recipe is too complex. In this case, the game may not be able to corectly predict whether it can be crafted.

To work around this issue, if you do not wish to simplify the recipe requirements, then you can split your recipe into multiple steps. For example, if we wanted to simplify the above survivor telescope recipe we could introduce an intermediate item “survivor eyepiece”, which requires one of either lens, and then the telescope would require a high-quality lens and an eyepiece. Overall, the requirements are the same, but neither recipe has any overlap.

For more details, see this pull request and the related issue.


"id": "constr_pit_spiked",                                          // Identifier of the construction
"group": "spike_pit",                                               // Construction group, used to provide description and group related constructions in UI (e.g. different stages of some construction).
"category": "DIG",                                                  // Construction category
"required_skills": [ [ "survival", 1 ] ],                           // Skill levels required to undertake construction
"time": "30 m",                                                     // Time required to complete construction. Integers will be read as minutes or a time string can be used.
"components": [ [ [ "spear_wood", 4 ], [ "pointy_stick", 4 ] ] ],   // Items used in construction
"using": [ [ "welding_standard", 5 ] ],                             // (Optional) External requirements to use
"pre_note": "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!",                 // (Optional) Annotation
"pre_flags": [ "DIGGABLE", "FLAT" ],                                // (Optional) Flags the terrain must have to be built on
"pre_terrain": "t_pit",                                             // (Optional) Required terrain to build on
"pre_furniture": "f_sandbag_half",                                  // (Optional) Required furniture to build on
"pre_special": "check_down_OK",                                     // (Optional) Hardcoded tile validity checks, refer to construction.cpp 
"post_terrain": "t_pit_spiked",                                     // (Optional) Terrain type after construction is complete
"post_furniture": "f_sandbag_wall",                                 // (Optional) Furniture type after construction is complete
"post_special": "done_dig_stair",                                   // (Optional) Hardcoded completion function, refer to construction.cpp
"post_flags": [ "keep_items" ],                                     // (Optional) Additional hardcoded effects, refer to construction.cpp. The only one available as of September 2022 is `keep_items`
"byproducts": [ { "item": "pebble", "charges": [ 3, 6 ] } ],        // (Optional) construction byproducts
"vehicle_start": false,                                             // (Optional, default false) Whether it will create a vehicle (for hardcode purposes)
"on_display": false,                                                // (Optional, default true) Whether it will show in player's UI
"dark_craftable": true,                                             // (Optional, default false) Whether it can be constructed in dark

Construction groups

"id": "build_wooden_door",            // Group identifier
"name": "Build Wooden Door",          // Description string displayed in the construction menu

Construction sequences

Constuction sequences are needed for automatic calculation of basecamp blueprint requirements. Each construction sequence describes steps needed to construct specified terrain or furniture on an empty dirt tile. At any moment, only 1 construction sequence may be defined for any terrain or furniture. For convenience, each non-blacklisted construction recipe that starts from an empty dirt tile automatically generates a one-element-long construction sequence, but only as long as there are no other such construction recipes that would produce the same sequence and there isn’t an explicitly defined sequence with same results.

"id": "f_workbench",                // Sequence identifier
"blacklisted": false,               // (Optional) Whether this sequence is blacklisted
"post_furniture": "f_workbench",    // (Optional) Identifier of resulting furniture
"post_terrain": "t_rootcellar",     // (Optional) Identifier of resulting terrain
"elems": [                          // Array of construction identifiers.
  "constr_pit",                     //   First construction must start from an empty dirt tile,
  "constr_rootcellar"               //   and last construction must result in either post_furniture
]                                   //   or post_terrain, whichever one has been specified.
                                    //   Leave it empty to exclude the terrain/furniture from blueprint autocalc.


idUnique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary.
receptive_speciesSpecies able to track this scent. Must use valid ids defined in species.json
  "type": "scent_type",
  "id": "sc_flower",
  "receptive_species": ["MAMMAL", "INSECT", "MOLLUSK", "BIRD"]

Scores and Achievements

Scores are defined in two or three steps based on events. To see what events exist and what data they contain, read event.h.

Each event contains a certain set of fields. Each field has a string key and a cata_variant value. The fields should provide all the relevant information about the event.

For example, consider the gains_skill_level event. You can see this specification for it in event.h:

struct event_spec<event_type::gains_skill_level> {
    static constexpr std::array<std::pair<const char *, cata_variant_type>, 3> fields = {{
            { "character", cata_variant_type::character_id },
            { "skill", cata_variant_type::skill_id },
            { "new_level", cata_variant_type::int_ },

From this, you can see that this event type has three fields:

  • character, with the id of the character gaining the level.
  • skill, with the id of the skill gained.
  • new_level, with the integer level newly acquired in that skill.

Events are generated by the game when in-game circumstances dictate. These events can be transformed and summarized in various ways. There are three concepts involved: event streams, event statistics, and scores.

  • Each event_type defined by the game generates an event stream.
  • Further event streams can be defined in json by applying an event_transformation to an existing event stream.
  • An event_statistic summarizes an event stream into a single value (usually a number, but other types of value are possible).
  • A score uses such a statistic to define an in-game score which players can see.


An event_transformation can modify an event stream, producing another event stream.

The input stream to be transformed is specified either as an "event_type", to use one of the built-in event type streams, or an "event_transformation", to use another json-defined transformed event stream.

Any or all of the following alterations can be made to the event stream:

  • Add new fields to each event based on event field transformations. The event field transformations can be found in event_field_transformation.cpp.
  • Filter events based on the values they contain to produce a stream containing some subset of the input stream.
  • Drop some fields which are not of interest in the output stream.

Here are examples of each modification:

"id": "avatar_kills_with_species",
"type": "event_transformation",
"event_type": "character_kills_monster", // Transformation acts upon events of this type
"new_fields": { // A dictionary of new fields to add to the event
    // The key is the new field name; the value should be a dictionary of one element
    "species": {
        // The key specifies the event_field_transformation to apply; the value specifies
        // the input field whose value should be provided to that transformation.
        // So, in this case, we are adding a new field 'species' which will
        // contain the species of the victim of this kill event.
        "species_of_monster": "victim_type"
"id": "moves_on_horse",
"type": "event_transformation",
"event_type" : "avatar_moves", // An event type.  The transformation will act on events of this type
"value_constraints" : { // A dictionary of constraints
    // Each key is the field to which the constraint applies
    // The value specifies the constraint.
    // "equals" can be used to specify a constant string value the field must take.
    // "equals_statistic" specifies that the value must match the value of some statistic (see below)
    "mount" : { "equals": "mon_horse" }
// Since we are filtering to only those events where 'mount' is 'mon_horse', we
// might as well drop the 'mount' field, since it provides no useful information.
"drop_fields" : [ "mount" ]


As with event_transformation, an event_statistic requires an input event stream. That input stream can be specified in the same was as for event_transformation, via one of the following two entries:

"event_type" : "avatar_moves" // Events of this built-in type
"event_transformation" : "moves_on_horse" // Events resulting from this json-defined transformation

Then it specifies a particular stat_type and potentially additional details as follows:

The number of events:

"stat_type" : "count"

The sum of the numeric value in the specified field across all events:

"stat_type" : "total"
"field" : "damage"

The maximum of the numeric value in the specified field across all events:

"stat_type" : "maximum"
"field" : "damage"

The minimum of the numeric value in the specified field across all events:

"stat_type" : "minimum"
"field" : "damage"

Assume there is only a single event to consider, and take the value of the given field for that unique event:

"stat_type": "unique_value",
"field": "avatar_id"

Regardless of stat_type, each event_statistic can also have:

// Intended for use in describing scores and achievement requirements.
"description": "Number of things"


Scores simply associate a description to an event for formatting in tabulations of scores. The description specifies a string which is expected to contain a %s format specifier where the value of the statistic will be inserted.

Note that even though most statistics yield an integer, you should still use %s.

If the underlying statistic has a description, then the score description is optional. It defaults to ”: “.

"id": "score_headshots",
"type": "score",
"description": "Headshots: %s",
"statistic": "avatar_num_headshots"


Achievements are goals for the player to aspire to, in the usual sense of the term as popularised in other games.

An achievement is specified via requirements, each of which is a constraint on an event_statistic. For example:

  "id": "achievement_kill_zombie",
  "type": "achievement",
  // The achievement name and description are used for the UI.
  // Description is optional and can provide extra details if you wish.
  "name": "One down, billions to go\u2026",
  "description": "Kill a zombie",
  "requirements": [
    // Each requirement must specify the statistic being constrained, and the
    // constraint in terms of a comparison against some target value.
    { "event_statistic": "num_avatar_zombie_kills", "is": ">=", "target": 1 }

The "is" field must be ">=", "<=" or "anything". When it is not "anything" the "target" must be present, and must be an integer.

There are further optional fields:

"hidden_by": [ "other_achievement_id" ]

Give a list of other achievement ids. This achievement will be hidden (i.e. not appear in the achievements UI) until all of the achievements listed have been completed.

Use this to prevent spoilers or to reduce clutter in the list of achievements.

"skill_requirements": [ { "skill": "archery", "is": ">=", "level": 5 } ]

This allows a skill level requirement (either an upper or lower bound) on when the achievement can be claimed. The "skill" field uses the id of a skill.

Note that like "time_constraint" below achievements can only be captured when a statistic listed in "requirements" changes.

"kill_requirements": [ { "faction": "ZOMBIE", "is": ">=", "count": 1 }, { "monster": "mon_sludge_crawler", "is": ">=", "count": 1 } ],

This allows a kill requirement (either an upper or lower bound) on when the achievement can be claimed. Can be defined with either "faction" or "monster" as a target, using species ids from species.json or a specific monster id.

Only one of the "monster"/"faction" fields can be used per entry. If neither are used, any monster will fulfill the requirements.

NPCs cannot currently be defined as a target.

Note that like "time_constraint" below achievements can only be captured when a statistic listed in "requirements" changes.

"time_constraint": { "since": "game_start", "is": "<=", "target": "1 minute" }

This allows putting a time limit (either a lower or upper bound) on when the achievement can be claimed. The "since" field can be either "game_start" or "cataclysm". The "target" describes an amount of time since that reference point.

Note that achievements can only be captured when a statistic listed in their requirements changes. So, if you want an achievement which would normally be triggered by reaching some time threshold (such as “survived a certain amount of time”) then you must place some requirement alongside it to trigger it after that time has passed. Pick some statistic which is likely to change often, and add an "anything" constraint on it. For example:

  "id": "achievement_survive_one_day",
  "type": "achievement",
  "description": "The first day of the rest of their unlives",
  "time_constraint": { "since": "game_start", "is": ">=", "target": "1 day" },
  "requirements": [ { "event_statistic": "num_avatar_wake_ups", "is": "anything" } ]

This is a simple “survive a day” but is triggered by waking up, so it will be completed when you wake up for the first time after 24 hours into the game.


"id" : "smg",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "submachine guns",  // In-game name displayed
"description" : "Your skill with submachine guns and machine pistols. Halfway between a pistol and an assault rifle, these weapons fire and reload quickly, and may fire in bursts, but they are not very accurate.", // In-game description
"tags" : ["gun_type"]  // Special flags (default: none)


"id": "LIGHTEATER",  // Unique ID
"name": "Optimist",  // In-game name displayed
"points": 2,         // Point cost of the trait. Positive values cost points and negative values give points
"visibility": 0,     // Visibility of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"ugliness": 0,       // Ugliness of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"cut_dmg_bonus": 3, // Bonus to unarmed cut damage (default: 0)
"pierce_dmg_bonus": 3, // Bonus to unarmed pierce damage (default: 0.0)
"bash_dmg_bonus": 3, // Bonus to unarmed bash damage (default: 0)
"butchering_quality": 4, // Butchering quality of this mutations (default: 0)
"rand_cut_bonus": { "min": 2, "max": 3 }, // Random bonus to unarmed cut damage between min and max.
"rand_bash_bonus": { "min": 2, "max": 3 }, // Random bonus to unarmed bash damage between min and max.
"bodytemp_modifiers" : [100, 150], // Range of additional bodytemp units (these units are described in 'weather.h'. First value is used if the person is already overheated, second one if it's not.
"bodytemp_sleep" : 50, // Additional units of bodytemp which are applied when sleeping
"initial_ma_styles": [ "style_crane" ], // (optional) A list of ids of martial art styles of which the player can choose one when starting a game.
"mixed_effect": false, // Whether the trait has both positive and negative effects. This is purely declarative and is only used for the user interface. (default: false)
"description": "Nothing gets you down!" // In-game description
"starting_trait": true, // Can be selected at character creation (default: false)
"valid": false,      // Can be mutated ingame (default: true)
"purifiable": false, //Sets if the mutation be purified (default: true)
"profession": true, //Trait is a starting profession special trait. (default: false)
"debug": false,     //Trait is for debug purposes (default: false)
"player_display": true, //Trait is displayed in the `@` player display menu
"category": ["MUTCAT_BIRD", "MUTCAT_INSECT"], // Categories containing this mutation
"prereqs": ["SKIN_ROUGH"], // Needs these mutations before you can mutate toward this mutation
"prereqs2": ["LEAVES"], //Also need these mutations before you can mutate towards this mutation. When both set creates 2 different mutation paths, random from one is picked. Only use together with "prereqs"
"threshreq": ["THRESH_SPIDER"], //Required threshold for this mutation to be possible
"cancels": ["ROT1", "ROT2", "ROT3"], // Cancels these mutations when mutating
"changes_to": ["FASTHEALER2"], // Can change into these mutations when mutating further
"leads_to": [], // Mutations that add to this one
"passive_mods" : { //increases stats with the listed value. Negative means a stat reduction
            "per_mod" : 1, //Possible values per_mod, str_mod, dex_mod, int_mod
            "str_mod" : 2
"wet_protection":[{ "part": "HEAD", // Wet Protection on specific bodyparts
                    "good": 1 } ] // "neutral/good/ignored" // Good increases pos and cancels neg, neut cancels neg, ignored cancels both
"vitamin_rates": [ [ "vitC", -1200 ] ], // How much extra vitamins do you consume per minute. Negative values mean production
"vitamins_absorb_multi": [ [ "flesh", [ [ "vitA", 0 ], [ "vitB", 0 ], [ "vitC", 0 ], [ "calcium", 0 ], [ "iron", 0 ] ], [ "all", [ [ "vitA", 2 ], [ "vitB", 2 ], [ "vitC", 2 ], [ "calcium", 2 ], [ "iron", 2 ] ] ] ], // multiplier of vitamin absorption based on material. "all" is every material. supports multiple materials.
"craft_skill_bonus": [ [ "electronics", -2 ], [ "tailor", -2 ], [ "mechanics", -2 ] ], // Skill affected by the mutation and their bonuses. Bonuses can be negative, a bonus of 4 is worth 1 full skill level.
"restricts_gear" : [ "TORSO" ], //list of bodyparts that get restricted by this mutation
"allow_soft_gear" : true, //If there is a list of 'restricts_gear' this sets if the location still allows items made out of soft materials (Only one of the types need to be soft for it to be considered soft). (default: false)
"destroys_gear" : true, //If true, destroys the gear in the 'restricts_gear' location when mutated into. (default: false)
"encumbrance_always" : [ // Adds this much encumbrance to selected body parts
    [ "ARM_L", 20 ],
    [ "ARM_R", 20 ]
"encumbrance_covered" : [ // Adds this much encumbrance to selected body parts, but only if the part is covered by not-OVERSIZE worn equipment
    [ "HAND_L", 50 ],
    [ "HAND_R", 50 ]
"armor" : [ // Protects selected body parts this much. Resistances use syntax like `PART RESISTANCE` below.
        [ "ALL" ], // Shorthand that applies the selected resistance to the entire body
        { "bash" : 2 } // The resistance provided to the body part(s) selected above
    [   // NOTE: Resistances are applies in order and ZEROED between applications!
        [ "ARM_L", "ARM_R" ], // Overrides the above settings for those body parts
        { "bash" : 1 }        // ...and gives them those resistances instead
"dodge_modifier" : 1, // Bonus granted to your effective change to dodge. Negative values inflict a penalty instead.
"speed_modifier" : 2.0, // Multiplies your current speed by this amount.  Higher means more speed, with 1.0 being no change.
"movecost_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplies the amount of moves it takes to perform most actions, with lower meaning faster actions. 
"movecost_flatground_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplies the movecost of terrain/furniture that is easy to move over. Lower means faster movement.
"movecost_obstacle_modifier" : 0.5, // Multipliers the movecost across rough terrain, lower means faster movement
"movecost_swim_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplies the movecost needed to swim. Lower is faster.
"falling_damage_multiplier" : 0.5, // Multiplier on how much damage you take when falling into pits, falling off ledges, or being tossed by a hulk. Zero grants immunity.
"attackcost_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplier on the movecost of attacks. Lower is better.
"weight_capacity_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplies how much weight you can carry before being penalized.
"hearing_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplier for how good your hearing is, higher values mean detecting sounds from farther away. A value of zero renders you completely deaf.
"noise_modifier" : 0.5, // Multiplier for how much noise you make while moving, with zero making your footsteps silent.
"stealth_modifier" : 0, // Percentage to be subtracted from player's visibility range, capped to 60. Negative values work, but are not very effective due to the way vision ranges are capped
"night_vision_range" : 0.0, // Night range vision. Only the best and the worst value out of all mutations are added. A value of 8 or higher will allow reading in complete darkness as though the player were in dim lighting. (default: 0.0)
"active" : true, //When set the mutation is an active mutation that the player needs to activate (default: false)
"starts_active" : true, //When true, this 'active' mutation starts active (default: false, requires 'active')
"cost" : 8, // Cost to activate this mutation. Needs one of the hunger, thirst, or fatigue values set to true. (default: 0)
"time" : 100, //Sets the amount of (turns * current player speed ) time units that need to pass before the cost is to be paid again. Needs to be higher than one to have any effect. (default: 0)
"hunger" : true, //If true, activated mutation increases hunger by cost. (default: false)
"thirst" : true, //If true, activated mutation increases thirst by cost. (default: false)
"fatigue" : true, //If true, activated mutation increases fatigue by cost. (default: false)
"scent_modifier": 0.0,// float affecting the intensity of your smell. (default: 1.0)
"scent_intensity": 800,// int affecting the target scent toward which you current smell gravitates. (default: 500)
"scent_mask": -200,// int added to your target scent value. (default: 0)
"scent_type": "sc_flower",// scent_typeid, defined in scent_types.json, The type scent you emit. (default: empty)
"bleed_resist": 1000, // Int quantifiying your resistance to bleed effect, if its > to the intensity of the effect you don't get any bleeding. (default: 0)
"fat_to_max_hp": 1.0, // Amount of hp_max gained for each unit of bmi above character_weight_category::normal. (default: 0.0)
"healthy_rate": 0.0, // How fast your health can change. If set to 0 it never changes. (default: 1.0)
"weakness_to_water": 5, // How much damage water does to you, negative values heal you. (default: 0)
"ignored_by": [ "ZOMBIE" ], // List of species ignoring you. (default: empty)
"anger_relations": [ [ "MARSHMALLOW", 20 ], [ "GUMMY", 5 ], [ "CHEWGUM", 20 ] ], // List of species angered by you and by how much, can use negative value to calm.  (default: empty)
"can_only_eat": [ "junk" ], // List of materiel required for food to be comestible for you. (default: empty)
"can_only_heal_with": [ "bandage" ], // List of med you are restricted to, this includes mutagen,serum,aspirin,bandages etc... (default: empty)
"can_heal_with": [ "caramel_ointement" ], // List of med that will work for you but not for anyone. See `CANT_HEAL_EVERYONE` flag for items. (default: empty)
"allowed_category": [ "ALPHA" ], // List of category you can mutate into. (default: empty)
"no_cbm_on_bp": [ "TORSO", "HEAD", "EYES", "MOUTH", "ARM_L" ], // List of body parts that can't receive cbms. (default: empty)
"body_size": "LARGE", // Increase or decrease size, only one size mutation at a time will be valid. Allowed values are: `TINY`, `SMALL`, `LARGE`, `HUGE`. `MEDIUM` can be specified but has no effect, as this is the default size for players and NPCs.
"lumination": [ [ "HEAD", 20 ], [ "ARM_L", 10 ] ], // List of glowing bodypart and the intensity of the glow as a float. (default: empty)
"metabolism_modifier": 0.333, // Extra metabolism rate multiplier. 1.0 doubles usage, -0.5 halves.
"fatigue_modifier": 0.5, // Extra fatigue rate multiplier. 1.0 doubles usage, -0.5 halves.
"fatigue_regen_modifier": 0.333, // Modifier for the rate at which fatigue and sleep deprivation drops when resting.
"healing_awake": 1.0, // Healing rate per turn while awake.
"healing_resting": 0.5, // Healing rate per turn while resting.
"mending_modifier": 1.2 // Multiplier on how fast your limbs mend - This value would make your limbs mend 20% faster
"stamina_regen_modifier": 0.5 // Extra stamina regeneration rate multiplier. 1.0 doubles regen, -0.5 halves.
"max_stamina_modifier": 1.5 // Multiplier on maximum stamina.  Stamina regeneration is proportionally modified by the same rate, so this includes stamina_regen_modifier implicitly. See Character::update_stamina in Character.cpp.
"transform": { "target": "BIOLUM1", // Trait_id of the mutation this one will transfomr into
               "msg_transform": "You turn your photophore OFF.", // message displayed upon transformation
               "active": false , // Will the target mutation start powered ( turn ON ).
               "moves": 100 // how many moves this costs. (default: 0)
"enchantments": [ "MEP_INK_GLAND_SPRAY" ], // Applies this enchantment to the player. See and
"mutagen_target_modifier": 5         // Increases or decreases how mutations prefer to balance out when mutating from mutant toxins, negative values push the target value lower (default: 0)

Vehicle Groups

"id":"city_parked",            // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"vehicles":[                 // List of potential vehicle ID's. Chance of a vehicle spawning is X/T, where
  ["suv", 600],           //    X is the value linked to the specific vehicle and T is the total of all
  ["pickup", 400],          //    vehicle values in a group
  ["car", 4700],
  ["road_roller", 300]

Vehicle Parts

Vehicle components when installed on a vehicle.

"id": "wheel",                // Unique identifier
"name": "wheel",              // Displayed name
"symbol": "0",                // ASCII character displayed when part is working
"looks_like": "small_wheel",  // hint to tilesets if this part has no tile, use the looks_like tile
"color": "dark_gray",         // Color used when part is working
"broken_symbol": "x",         // ASCII character displayed when part is broken
"broken_color": "light_gray", // Color used when part is broken
"damage_modifier": 50,        // (Optional, default = 100) Dealt damage multiplier when this part hits something, as a percentage. Higher = more damage to creature struck
"durability": 200,            // How much damage the part can take before breaking
"description": "A wheel."     // A description of this vehicle part when installing it
"size": 2000                  // If vehicle part has flag "FLUIDTANK" then capacity in mLs, else divide by 4 for volume on space
"wheel_width": 9,             /* (Optional, default = 0)
                               * SPECIAL: A part may have at most ONE of the following fields:
                               *    wheel_width = base wheel width in inches
                               *    size        = trunk/box storage volume capacity
                               *    power       = base engine power in watts
                               *    bonus       = bonus granted; muffler = noise reduction%, seatbelt = bonus to not being thrown from vehicle
                               *    par1        = generic value used for unique bonuses, like the headlight's light intensity */
"wheel_type":                 // (Optional: standard, off-road)
"contact_area":               // (Optional) Affects vehicle ground pressure
"cargo_weight_modifier": 33,  // (Optional, default = 100) Modifies cargo weight by set percentage
"fuel_type": "NULL",          // (Optional, default = "NULL") Type of fuel/ammo the part consumes, as an item id

"item": "wheel",              // The item used to install this part, and the item obtained when removing this part
"difficulty": 4,              // Your mechanics skill must be at least this level to install this part
"breaks_into" : [             // When the vehicle part is destroyed, items from this item group (see will be spawned around the part on the ground.
  {"item": "scrap", "count": [0,5]} // instead of an array, this can be an inline item group,
"breaks_into" : "some_item_group", // or just the id of an item group.
"flags": [                    // Flags associated with the part
"damage_reduction" : {        // Flat reduction of damage, as described below. If not specified, set to zero
    "all" : 10,
    "physical" : 5
                              // The following optional fields are specific to ENGINEs.
"m2c": 50,                    // Mandatory field for parts with the ENGINE flag, indicates ratio of cruise power to maximum power
"backfire_threshold": 0.5,    // Optional field, defaults to 0. Indicates maximum ratio of damaged HP to max HP to trigger backfires
"backfire_freq": 20,          // Optional field unless backfire threshold > 0, then mandatory, defaults to 0. One in X chance of a backfire.
"noise_factor": 15,           // Optional field, defaults to 0. Multiple engine power by this number to declare noise.
"damaged_power_factor": 0.5,  // Optional field, defaults to 0. If more than 0, power when damaged is scaled to power * ( damaged_power_factor + ( 1 - damaged_power_factor ) * ( damaged HP / max HP )
"muscle_power_factor": 0,     // Optional field, defaults to 0. If more than 0, each point of the survivor's Strength over 8 adds this much power to the engine, and each point less than 8 removes this much power.
"exclusions": [ "souls" ]     // Optional field, defaults to empty. A list of words. A new engine can't be installed on the vehicle if any engine on the vehicle shares a word from exclusions.
"fuel_options": [ "soul", "black_soul" ] // Optional field, defaults to fuel_type.  A list of words. An engine can be fueled by any fuel type in its fuel_options.  If provided, it overrides fuel_type and should include the fuel in fuel_type.
"comfort": 3,                 // Optional field, defaults to 0. How comfortable this terrain/furniture is. Impact ability to fall asleep on it. (uncomfortable = -999, neutral = 0, slightly_comfortable = 3, comfortable = 5, very_comfortable = 10)
"floor_bedding_warmth": 300,  // Optional field, defaults to 0. Bonus warmth offered by this terrain/furniture when used to sleep.
"bonus_fire_warmth_feet": 200,// Optional field, defaults to 300. Increase warmth received on feet from nearby fire.

Part Resistance

"all" : 0.0f,        // Initial value of all resistances, overridden by more specific types
"physical" : 10,     // Initial value for bash, cut and stab
"non_physical" : 10, // Initial value for acid, heat, cold, electricity and biological
"biological" : 0.2f, // Resistances to specific types. Those override the general ones.
"bash" : 3,
"cut" : 3,
"acid" : 3,
"stab" : 3,
"heat" : 3,
"cold" : 3,
"electric" : 3

Vehicle Placement

"id":"road_straight_wrecks",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"locations":[ {               // List of potential vehicle locations. When this placement is used, one of those locations will be chosen at random.
  "x" : [0,19],               // The x placement. Can be a single value or a range of possibilities.
  "y" : 8,                    // The y placement. Can be a single value or a range of possibilities.
  "facing" : [90,270]         // The facing of the vehicle. Can be a single value or an array of possible values.
} ]

Vehicle Spawn

"id":"default_city",            // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"spawn_types":[ {       // List of spawntypes. When this vehicle_spawn is applied, it will choose from one of the spawntypes randomly, based on the weight.
  "description" : "Clear section of road",           //    A description of this spawntype
  "weight" : 33,          //    The chance of this spawn type being used.
  "vehicle_function" : "jack-knifed_semi", // This is only needed if the spawntype uses a built-in json function.
  "vehicle_json" : {      // This is only needed for a json-specified spawntype.
  "vehicle" : "car",      // The vehicle or vehicle_group to spawn.
  "placement" : "%t_parked",  // The vehicle_placement to use when spawning the vehicle. This is not needed if the x, y, and facing are specified.
  "x" : [0,19],     // The x placement. Can be a single value or a range of possibilities. Not needed if placement is specified.
  "y" : 8,   // The y placement. Can be a single value or a range of possibilities. Not needed if placement is specified.
  "facing" : [90,270], // The facing of the vehicle. Can be a single value or an array of possible values. Not needed if placement is specified.
  "number" : 1, // The number of vehicles to spawn.
  "fuel" : -1, // The fuel of the new vehicles.
  "status" : 1  // The status of the new vehicles.
} } ]


See also

"id": "shopping_cart",                     // Internally-used name.
"name": "Shopping Cart",                   // Display name, subject to i18n.
"blueprint": "#",                          // Preview of vehicle - ignored by the code, so use only as documentation
"parts": [                                 // Parts list
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "box"},       // Part definition, positive x direction is to the left, positive y is to the right
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "casters"}    // See vehicle_parts.json for part ids
                                           /* Important! Vehicle parts must be defined in the same order you would install
                                            * them in the game (ie, frames and mount points first).
                                            * You also cannot break the normal rules of installation
                                            * (you can't stack non-stackable part flags). */

data/json/items/ JSONs

Generic Items

"type": "GENERIC",                // Defines this as some generic item
"id": "socks",                    // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name": {
    "ctxt": "clothing",           // Optional translation context. Useful when a string has multiple meanings that need to be translated differently in other languages.
    "str": "pair of socks",       // The name appearing in the examine box.  Can be more than one word separated by spaces
    "str_pl": "pairs of socks"    // Optional. If a name has an irregular plural form (i.e. cannot be formed by simply appending "s" to the singular form), then this should be specified. "str_sp" can be used if the singular and plural forms are the same
"conditional_names": [ {          // Optional list of names that will be applied in specified conditions (see Conditional Naming section for more details).
    "type": "COMPONENT_ID",       // The condition type.
    "condition": "leather",       // The condition to check for.
    "name": { "str": "pair of leather socks", "str_pl": "pairs of leather socks" } // Name field, same rules as above.
} ],
"container": "null",             // What container (if any) this item should spawn within
"repairs_like": "scarf",          // If this item does not have recipe, what item to look for a recipe for when repairing it.
"color": "blue",                 // Color of the item symbol.
"symbol": "[",                   // The item symbol as it appears on the map. Must be a Unicode string exactly 1 console cell width.
"looks_like": "rag",              // hint to tilesets if this item has no tile, use the looks_like tile
"description": "Socks. Put 'em on your feet.", // Description of the item
"ascii_picture": "ascii_socks", // Id of the asci_art used for this item
"phase": "solid",                            // (Optional, default = "solid") What phase it is
"weight": "350 g",                           // Weight, weight in grams, mg and kg can be used - "50 mg", "5 g" or "5 kg". For stackable items (ammo, comestibles) this is the weight per charge.
"volume": "250 ml",                          // Volume, volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L". For stackable items (ammo, comestibles) this is the volume of stack_size charges.
"integral_volume": 0,                        // Volume added to base item when item is integrated into another (eg. a gunmod integrated to a gun). Volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L".
"integral_weight": 0,                        // Weight added to base item when item is integrated into another (eg. a gunmod integrated to a gun)
"rigid": false,                              // For non-rigid items volume (and for worn items encumbrance) increases proportional to contents
"insulation": 1,                             // (Optional, default = 1) If container or vehicle part, how much insulation should it provide to the contents
"price": 100,                                // Used when bartering with NPCs. For stackable items (ammo, comestibles) this is the price for stack_size charges. Can use string "cent" "USD" or "kUSD".
"price_postapoc": "1 USD",                   // Same as price but represent value post cataclysm. Can use string "cent" "USD" or "kUSD".
"material": ["COTTON"],                      // Material types, can be as many as you want.  See materials.json for possible options
"weapon_category": [ "WEAPON_CAT1" ],        // (Optional) Weapon categories this item is in for martial arts.
"cutting": 0,                                // (Optional, default = 0) Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon.  This value cannot be negative.
"bashing": 0,                                // (Optional, default = 0) Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon.  This value cannot be negative.
"to_hit": 0,                                 // (Optional, default = 0) To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon (whatever for?)
"attacks": [                                 // (Optional) New attack statblock, WIP feature
  { "id": "BASH",                            // ID of the attack.  Attack with ID "DEFAULT" will be replaced by calculated data (this can be used to remove custom attacks on "copy-from" item)
    "to_hit": 1,                             // To-hit bonus of this attack
    "damage": { "values": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 50 } ] } }, // Damage of this attack, using `damage_instance` syntax (see below)
  { "id": "THRUST", "damage": { "values": [ { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 45 } ] } }
"flags": ["VARSIZE"],                        // Indicates special effects, see
"environmental_protection_with_filter": 6,   // the resistance to environmental effects if an item (for example a gas mask) requires a filter to operate and this filter is installed. Used in combination with use_action 'GASMASK' and 'DIVE_TANK'
"magazine_well": 0,                          // Volume above which the magazine starts to protrude from the item and add extra volume
"magazines": [                               // Magazines types for each ammo type (if any) which can be used to reload this item
    [ "9mm", [ "glockmag" ] ]                // The first magazine specified for each ammo type is the default
    [ "45", [ "m1911mag", "m1911bigmag" ] ],
"milling": {                                 // Optional. If given, the item can be milled in a water/wind mill.
  "into": "flour",                           // The item id of the product. Product MUST be something that uses charges.
  "conversion_rate": 4                       // Number of products per item consumed. At a conversion_rate of 4, 1 item is milled into 4 product. Only accepts integers.
"explode_in_fire": true,                     // Should the item explode if set on fire
"explosion": {                               // Physical explosion data
  "damage": 10,                              // Damage the explosion deals to player at epicenter. Damage is halved above 50% radius.
  "radius": 8,                               // Radius of the explosion. 0 means only the epicenter is affected.
  "fire": true,                              // Should the explosion leave fire
  "fragment": {                              // Projectile data of "shrapnel". This projectile will hit every target in its range and field of view exactly once.
    "damage": {                              // Damage data of the shrapnel projectile.  Uses damage_instance syntax (see below)
      "damage_type": "acid",                 // Type of damage dealt.
      "amount": 10                           // Amount of damage dealt.
      "armor_penetration": 4                 // Amount of armor ignored. Applied per armor piece, not in total.
      "armor_multiplier": 2.5                // Multiplies remaining damage reduction from armor, applied after armor penetration (if present). Higher numbers make armor stop fragments from this explosion more effectively, lower numbers act as a percentage reduction in remaining armor.


  "damage_type": "acid", // Type of damage dealt.
  "amount": 10, // Amount of damage dealt.
  "armor_penetration": 4, // Amount of armor ignored. Applied per armor piece, not in total.
  "armor_multiplier": 2.5 // Multiplies remaining damage reduction from armor, applied after armor penetration (if present). Higher numbers make armor more effective at protecting from this attack, lower numbers act as a percentage reduction in remaining armor.


"type" : "AMMO",            // Defines this as ammo
...                         // same entries as above for the generic item.
                            // additional some ammo specific entries:
"ammo_type" : "shot",       // Determines what it can be loaded in
"damage" : 18,              // Ranged damage when fired
"prop_damage": 2,           // Multiplies the damage of weapon by amount (overrides damage field)
"pierce" : 0,               // Armor piercing ability when fired
"range" : 5,                // Range when fired
"dispersion" : 0,           // Inaccuracy of ammo, measured in quarter-degrees
"recoil" : 18,              // Recoil caused when firing
"count" : 25,               // Number of rounds that spawn together
"stack_size" : 50,          // (Optional) How many rounds are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'count'
"show_stats" : true,        // (Optional) Force stat display for combat ammo. (for projectiles lacking both damage and prop_damage)
"dont_recover_one_in": 1    // (Optional) 1 in x chance of not recovering the ammo (100 means you have a 99% chance of getting it back)
"drop": "nail"              // (Optional) Defines an object that drops at the projectile location at a 100% chance.
"effects" : ["COOKOFF", "SHOT"]


"type": "MAGAZINE",              // Defines this as a MAGAZINE
...                              // same entries as above for the generic item.
                                 // additional some magazine specific entries:
"ammo_type": [ "40", "357sig" ], // What types of ammo this magazine can be loaded with
"capacity" : 15,                 // Capacity of magazine (in equivalent units to ammo charges)
"count" : 0,                     // Default amount of ammo contained by a magazine (set this for ammo belts)
"default_ammo": "556",           // If specified override the default ammo (optionally set this for ammo belts)
"reliability" : 8,               // How reliable this this magazine on a range of 0 to 10? (see
"reload_time" : 100,             // How long it takes to load each unit of ammo into the magazine
"linkage" : "ammolink"           // If set one linkage (of given type) is dropped for each unit of ammo consumed (set for disintegrating ammo belts)


Armor can be defined like this:

"type" : "ARMOR",     // Defines this as armor
...                   // same entries as above for the generic item.
                      // additional some armor specific entries:
"covers" : ["FEET"],  // Where it covers.  Possible options are TORSO, HEAD, EYES, MOUTH, ARMS, HANDS, LEGS, FEET
"storage" : 0,        //  (Optional, default = 0) How many volume storage slots it adds
"warmth" : 10,        //  (Optional, default = 0) How much warmth clothing provides
"environmental_protection" : 0,  //  (Optional, default = 0) How much environmental protection it affords
"encumbrance" : 0,    // Base encumbrance (unfitted value)
"max_encumbrance" : 0,    // When a character is completely full of volume, the encumbrance of a non-rigid storage container will be set to this. Otherwise it'll be between the encumbrance and max_encumbrance following the equation: encumbrance + (max_encumbrance - encumbrance) * character volume.
"weight_capacity_bonus": "20 kg",    // (Optional, default = 0) Bonus to weight carrying capacity, can be negative. Strings must be used - "5000 g" or "5 kg"
"weight_capacity_modifier": 1.5, // (Optional, default = 1) Factor modifying base weight carrying capacity.
"coverage" : 80,      // What percentage of body part
"material_thickness" : 1,  // Thickness of material, in millimeter units (approximately).  Generally ranges between 1 - 5, more unusual armor types go up to 10 or more
"power_armor" : false, // If this is a power armor item (those are special).
"valid_mods" : ["steel_padded"] // List of valid clothing mods. Note that if the clothing mod doesn't have "restricted" listed, this isn't needed.
"resistance": { "cut": 0, "bullet": 1000 } // If set, overrides usual resistance calculation. Values are for undamaged item, thickness affects scaling with damage - 1 thickness means no reduction from damage, 2 means it's halved on first damage, 10 means each level of damage decreases armor by 10%

Alternately, every item (book, tool, gun, even food) can be used as armor if it has armor_data:

"type" : "TOOL",      // Or any other item type
...                   // same entries as for the type (e.g. same entries as for any tool),
"armor_data" : {      // additionally the same armor data like above
    "covers" : ["FEET"],
    "storage" : 0,
    "warmth" : 10,
    "environmental_protection" : 0,
    "encumbrance" : 0,
    "coverage" : 80,
    "material_thickness" : 1,
    "power_armor" : false

Pet Armor

Pet armor can be defined like this:

"type" : "PET_ARMOR",     // Defines this as armor
...                   // same entries as above for the generic item.
                      // additional some armor specific entries:
"storage" : 0,        //  (Optional, default = 0) How many volume storage slots it adds
"environmental_protection" : 0,  //  (Optional, default = 0) How much environmental protection it affords
"material_thickness" : 1,  // Thickness of material, in millimeter units (approximately).  Generally ranges between 1 - 5, more unusual armor types go up to 10 or more
"pet_bodytype":        // the body type of the pet that this monster will fit.  See
"max_pet_vol:          // the maximum volume of the pet that will fit into this armor. Volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L".
"min_pet_vol:          // the minimum volume of the pet that will fit into this armor. Volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L".
"power_armor" : false, // If this is a power armor item (those are special).

Alternately, every item (book, tool, gun, even food) can be used as armor if it has armor_data:

"type" : "TOOL",      // Or any other item type
...                   // same entries as for the type (e.g. same entries as for any tool),
"pet_armor_data" : {      // additionally the same armor data like above
    "storage" : 0,
    "environmental_protection" : 0,
    "pet_bodytype": "dog",
    "max_pet_vol": "35000 ml",
    "min_pet_vol": "25000 ml",
    "material_thickness" : 1,
    "power_armor" : false


Books can be defined like this:

"type" : "BOOK",      // Defines this as a BOOK
...                   // same entries as above for the generic item.
                      // additional some book specific entries:
"max_level" : 5,      // Maximum skill level this book will train to
"intelligence" : 11,  // Intelligence required to read this book without penalty
"time" : "35 m",          // Time a single read session takes. An integer will be read in minutes or a time string can be used.
"fun" : -2,           // Morale bonus/penalty for reading
"skill" : "computer", // Skill raised
"chapters" : 4,       // Number of chapters (for fun only books), each reading "consumes" a chapter. Books with no chapters left are less fun (because the content is already known to the character).
"required_level" : 2  // Minimum skill level required to learn

Alternately, every item (tool, gun, even food) can be used as book if it has book_data:

"type" : "TOOL",      // Or any other item type
...                   // same entries as for the type (e.g. same entries as for any tool),
"book_data" : {       // additionally the same book data like above
    "max_level" : 5,
    "intelligence" : 11,
    "time" : 35,
    "fun" : -2,
    "skill" : "computer",
    "chapters" : 4,
    "use_action" : "MA_MANUAL", // The book_data can have use functions (see USE ACTIONS) that are triggered when the books has been read. These functions are not triggered by simply activating the item (like tools would).
    "required_level" : 2

Since many book names are proper names, it’s often necessary to explicitly specify the plural forms. The following is the game’s convention on plural names of books:

  1. For non-periodical books (textbooks, manuals, spellbooks, etc.),
    1. If the book’s singular name is a proper name, then the plural name is copies of (singular name). For example, the plural name of Lessons for the Novice Bowhunter is copies of Lessons for the Novice Bowhunter.
    2. Otherwise, the plural name is the usual plural of the singular name. For example, the plural name of tactical baton defense manual is tactical baton defense manuals
  2. For periodicals (magazines and journals),
    1. If the periodical’s singular name is a proper name, and doesn’t end with “Magazine”, “Weekly”, “Monthly”, etc., the plural name is issues of (singular name). For example, the plural name of Archery for Kids is issues of Archery for Kids.
    2. Otherwise, the periodical’s plural name is the usual plural of the singular name. For example, the plural name of Crafty Crafter's Quarterly is Crafty Crafter's Quarterlies.
  3. For board games (represented internally as book items),
    1. If the board game’s singular name is a proper name, the plural is sets of (singular name). For example, the plural name of Picturesque is sets of Picturesque.
    2. Otherwise the plural name is the usual plural. For example, the plural of deck of cards is decks of cards.

Conditional Naming

The conditional_names field allows defining alternate names for items that will be displayed instead of (or in addition to) the default name, when specific conditions are met. Take the following (incomplete) definition for sausage as an example of the syntax:

  "name": "sausage",
  "conditional_names": [
      "type": "FLAG",
      "condition": "CANNIBALISM",
      "name": "Mannwurst"
      "type": "COMPONENT_ID",
      "condition": "mutant",
      "name": { "str_sp": "sinister %s" }

You can list as many conditional names for a given item as you want. Each conditional name must consist of 3 elements:

  1. The condition type:
    • COMPONENT_ID searches all the components of the item (and all of their components, and so on) for an item with the condition string in their ID. The ID only needs to contain the condition, not match it perfectly (though it is case sensitive). For example, supplying a condition mutant would match mutant_meat.
    • FLAG which checks if an item has the specified flag (exact match).
  2. The condition you want to look for.
  3. The name to use if a match is found. Follows all the rules of a standard name field, with valid keys being str, str_pl, and ctxt. You may use %s here, which will be replaced by the name of the item. Conditional names defined prior to this one are taken into account.

So, in the above example, if the sausage is made from mutant humanoid meat, and therefore both has the CANNIBALISM flag, and has a component with mutant in its ID:

  1. First, the item name is entirely replaced with “Mannwurst” if singular, or “Mannwursts” if plural.
  2. Next, it is replaced by “sinister %s”, but %s is replaced with the name as it was before this step, resulting in “sinister Mannwurst” or “sinister Mannwursts”.

NB: If "str": "sinister %s" was specified instead of "str_sp": "sinister %s", the plural form would be automatically created as “sinister %ss”, which would become “sinister Mannwurstss” which is of course one S too far. Rule of thumb: If you are using %s in the name, always specify an identical plural form unless you know exactly what you’re doing!

Color Key

When adding a new book, please use this color key:

  • Magazines: pink
  • “Paperbacks” Short enjoyment books (including novels): light_cyan
  • “Hardbacks” Long enjoyment books (including novels): light_blue
  • “Small textbook” Beginner level textbooks, guides and martial arts books: green
  • “Large textbook” Advanced level textbooks and advanced guides: blue
  • Religious books: dark_gray
  • “Printouts” (including spiral-bound, binders, and similar) Technical documents, (technical?) protocols, (lab) journals, personal diaries: light_green
  • Other reading material/non-books (use only if every other category does not apply): light_gray

A few exceptions to this color key may apply, for example for books that don’t are what they seem to be. Never use yellow and red, those colors are reserved for sounds and infrared vision.


CBMs can be defined like this:

"type" : "BIONIC_ITEM",         // Defines this as a CBM
...                             // same entries as above for the generic item.
                                // additional some CBM specific entries:
"bionic_id" : "bio_advreactor", // ID of the installed bionic if not equivalent to "id"
"difficulty" : 11,              // Difficulty of installing CBM
"is_upgrade" : true             // Whether the CBM is an upgrade of another bionic.
"installation_data" : "AID_bio_advreactor" // ID of the item which allows for almost guaranteed installation of corresponding bionic.


"type" : "COMESTIBLE",      // Defines this as a COMESTIBLE
...                         // same entries as above for the generic item.
                            // additional some comestible specific entries:
"addiction_type" : "crack", // Addiction type
"spoils_in" : 0,            // A time duration: how long a comestible is good for. 0 = no spoilage.
"use_action" : "CRACK",     // What effects a comestible has when used, see special definitions below
"stim" : 40,                // Stimulant effect
"fatigue_mod": 3,           // How much fatigue this comestible removes. (Negative values add fatigue)
"radiation": 8,             // How much radiation you get from this comestible.
"comestible_type" : "MED",  // Comestible type, used for inventory sorting
"quench" : 0,               // Thirst quenched
"heal" : -2,                // Health effects (used for sickness chances)
"addiction_potential" : 80, // Ability to cause addictions
"monotony_penalty" : 0,     // (Optional, default: 2) Fun is reduced by this number for each one you've consumed in the last 48 hours.
                            // Can't drop fun below 0, unless the comestible also has the "NEGATIVE_MONOTONY_OK" flag.
"calories" : 0,             // Hunger satisfied (in kcal)
"nutrition" : 0,            // Hunger satisfied (OBSOLETE)
"tool" : "apparatus",       // Tool required to be eaten/drank
"charges" : 4,              // Number of uses when spawned
"stack_size" : 8,           // (Optional) How many uses are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'charges'
"fun" : 50                  // Morale effects when used
"cooks_like": "meat_cooked" // (Optional) If the item is used in a recipe, replaces it with its cooks_like
"parasites": 10,            // (Optional) Probability of becoming parasitised when eating
"contamination": [ { "disease": "bad_food", "probability": 5 } ],         // (Optional) List of diseases carried by this comestible and their associated probability. Values must be in the [0, 100] range.


"type": "CONTAINER",  // Defines this as a container
...                   // same data as for the generic item (see above).
"contains": 200,      // How much volume this container can hold
"seals": false,       // Can be resealed, this is a required for it to be used for liquids. (optional, default: false)
"watertight": false,  // Can hold liquids, this is a required for it to be used for liquids. (optional, default: false)
"preserves": false,   // Contents do not spoil. (optional, default: false)

Alternately, every item can be used as container:

"type": "ARMOR",      // Any type is allowed here
...                   // same data as for the type
"container_data" : {  // The container specific data goes here.
    "contains": 200,

This defines a armor (you need to add all the armor specific entries), but makes it usable as container. It could also be written as a generic item (“type”: “GENERIC”) with “armor_data” and “container_data” entries.


"id": "hatchet",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"symbol": ";",         // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_gray", // ASCII character color
"name": "hatchet",     // In-game name displayed
"description": "A one-handed hatchet. Makes a great melee weapon, and is useful both for cutting wood, and for use as a hammer.", // In-game description
"price": 95,           // Used when bartering with NPCs.  Can use string "cent" "USD" or "kUSD".
"material": ["iron", "wood"], // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"weight": 907,         // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": "1500 ml",   // Volume, volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L"
"bashing": 12,         // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 12,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"flags" : ["CHOP"],    // Indicates special effects
"to_hit": 1            // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon

Melee Weapon_category

Weapon CategoryDescription
FIST_WEAPONSHandheld weapons used to supplement fists in martial arts.
STILETTOSShort, tapering ‘blade’ fixed onto a handle, has no cutting edge
KNIVESShort blade fixed onto a handle, for cutting or as weapon.
SHORT_SWORDSOne handed sword of length between a large knife and a ‘proper’ sword.
1H_SWORDSSword meant to be wielded with one hand.
2H_SWORDSSword meant to be wielded with both hands.
DUELING_SWORDSSwords with thin profiles typically meant for stabbing.
BIONIC_SWORDSSwords integrated into the body via bionics.
SAPSVery short length of typically flexible material, with a weighted tip.
BATONSThin, balanced rod of strong material.
TONFASUnique looking T-shaped baton believed to originate from China.
CLUBSRod with a thicker striking head. May be one or two-handed.
QUARTERSTAVESLong pole wielded with both hands.
MACESShort one-handed weapon with a striking head firmly attached to a short handle.
MORNINGSTARSTypically two-handed weapon with a striking head firmly attached to a long handle.
FLAILSStriking head attached to handle by flexible rope/chain.
1H_HAMMERSHammers meant to be wielded with a single hand.
2H_HAMMERSHammers meant to be wielded with both hands.
HAND_AXESAxe with a short handle, typically wielded in one hand, ocassionally thrown.
1H_AXESAxes meant to be wielded with one hand, typically with a handle longer than the handaxe.
2H_AXESAxes meant to be wielded with two hands.
WHIPSFlexible tool used to strike at range.
1H_HOOKEDOne handed weapon with hooking capability. (and isn’t an axe or hammer)
HOOKED_POLESPolearm with hooked end (Like a shepherd’s crook)
SPEARSPolearm with a long shaft and a sharp tip made of hard material.
PIKESVery long spear that can only be wielded in two hands, very unwieldy.
GLAIVESPolearm with a single-edged blade mounted on the end.
Weapon StylesDescription
MEDIEVAL_SWORDSSwords associated with European culture.
JAPANESE_SWORDSSwords associated with Japanese culture.
BIONIC_WEAPONRYWeapons integrated into the body via bionics.


Guns can be defined like this:

"type": "GUN",             // Defines this as a GUN
...                        // same entries as above for the generic item.
                           // additional some gun specific entries:
"skill": "pistol",         // Skill used for firing
"ammo": [ "357", "38" ],   // Ammo types accepted for reloading
"ranged_damage": 0,        // Ranged damage when fired
"range": 0,                // Range when fired
"dispersion": 32,          // Inaccuracy of gun, measured in quarter-degrees
// When sight_dispersion and aim_speed are present in a gun mod, the aiming system picks the "best"
// sight to use for each aim action, which is the fastest sight with a dispersion under the current
// aim threshold.
"sight_dispersion": 10,    // Inaccuracy of gun derived from the sight mechanism, also in quarter-degrees
"aim_speed": 3,            // A measure of how quickly the player can aim, in moves per point of dispersion.
"recoil": 0,               // Recoil caused when firing, in quarter-degrees of dispersion.
"durability": 8,           // Resistance to damage/rusting, also determines misfire chance
"blackpowder_tolerance": 8,// One in X chance to get clogged up (per shot) when firing blackpowder ammunition (higher is better). Optional, default is 8.
"min_cycle_recoil": 0,     // Minimum ammo recoil for gun to be able to fire more than once per attack.
"burst": 5,                // Number of shots fired in burst mode
"clip_size": 100,          // Maximum amount of ammo that can be loaded
"ups_charges": 0,          // Additionally to the normal ammo (if any), a gun can require some charges from an UPS. This also works on mods. Attaching a mod with ups_charges will add/increase ups drain on the weapon.
"ammo_to_fire" 1,          // Amount of ammo used per shot, separate from any UPS cost that may be given to the weapon.
// The legacy item flags `FIRE_20`, `FIRE_50`, and `FIRE_100` are still permitted and will override `ammo_to_fire` if present.
"reload": 450,             // Amount of time to reload, 100 = 1 second = 1 "turn". Default 100.
"built_in_mods": ["m203"], // An array of mods that will be integrated in the weapon using the IRREMOVABLE tag.
"default_mods": ["m203"]   // An array of mods that will be added to a weapon on spawn.
"barrel_length": "30 mL",  // Amount of volume lost when the barrel is sawn. Approximately 250 ml per inch is a decent approximation.
"valid_mod_locations": [ [ "accessories", 4 ], [ "grip", 1 ] ],  // The valid locations for gunmods and the mount of slots for that location.

Alternately, every item (book, tool, armor, even food) can be used as gun if it has gun_data:

"type": "TOOL",      // Or any other item type
...                   // same entries as for the type (e.g. same entries as for any tool),
"gun_data" : {        // additionally the same gun data like above
    "skill": ...,
    "recoil": ...,

Ranged Weapon_category

Weapon CategoryDescription
BOWSElastic launching device for long-shafted projectiles.
S_XBOWSElastic launching device mounted on a frame to be triggered, pistol sized.
M_XBOWSElastic launching device mounted on a frame to be triggered.
SLINGSHOTSElastic, handheld launching device typically used for small round projectiles.
SLINGSProjectile weapon using a cradle connected to two retention cords, used to fling blunt projectiles.
PISTOLSHandgun with a chamber integral to the gun barrel. In-game, any handgun that isn’t a revolver goes here.
REVOLVERSRepeating handgun with a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers.
SUBMACHINE_GUNSMagazine fed automatic carbine designed to fire handgun cartridges.
RIFLESLong barrelled firearms designed for more accurate shooting.
MACHINE_GUNSFully automatic autoloading firearm designed for sustained fire.
GATLING_GUNSRapid firing multi barrel firearm.
SHOTGUNSLong barreled firearm generally designed to fire shotshells.
GRENADE_LAUNCHERSFirearm designed to propel large caliber projectile typically loaded with warhead of some kind (smoke, gas, explosive, etc)
ROCKET_LAUNCHERSFirearm that propels unguided, rocket-propelled projectile.
FLAMETHROWERSRanged incendiary device designed to propel a controllable jet of fire.
WATER_CANNONSIt fires water at your enemies.
SPRAY_GUNSIt spews chemicals at your enemies.
Action categoryDescription
1SHOTRanged weapon with at least one barrel but no loading system/magazine.
AUTOLOADINGRanged weapon with autoloading mechanisms like blowback, gas-operated, or recoil operated systems.
MANUAL_ACTIONRanged weapon using manual actions like bolt/pump/lever.
ENERGY_WEAPONSWeapon designed to utilize focused energy (sonic, electromagnetic waves, particle beams, etc). Both Ranged/Melee.
MAGNETICWeapon that propels payload via electromagnetism.
PNEUMATICRanged weapon that propels payload via compressed air.
ELASTICRanged weapon that propels payload via elastic band.


Gun mods can be defined like this:

"type": "GUNMOD",              // Defines this as a GUNMOD
...                            // Same entries as above for the generic item.
                               // Additionally some gunmod specific entries:
"location": "stock",           // Mandatory. Where is this gunmod is installed?
"mod_targets": [ "crossbow" ], // Optional. What specific weapons can this gunmod be used with?
"mod_target_category": [ [ "BOWS" ] ], // Optional. What specific weapon categories can this gunmod be used with?
"mod_exclusions": [ "laser_rifle" ], // Optional. What specific weapons can't this gunmod be used with?
"mod_exclusion_category": [ [ "ENERGY_WEAPONS" ] ], // Optional. What specific weapon categories can't this gunmod be used with?
"acceptable_ammo": [ "9mm" ],  // Optional filter restricting mod to guns with those base (before modifiers) ammo types
"install_time": "30 s",        // Optional time installation takes. Installation is instantaneous if unspecified. An integer will be read as moves or a time string can be used.
"ammo_modifier": [ "57" ],     // Optional field which if specified modifies parent gun to use these ammo types
"magazine_adaptor": [ [ "223", [ "stanag30" ] ] ], // Optional field which changes the types of magazines the parent gun accepts
"mode_modifier": [ [ "AUTO", "auto", 5 ] ]         // Optional field which adds new firing modes to a weapon
"damage_modifier": -1,         // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun damage
"dispersion_modifier": 15,     // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun dispersion
"loudness_modifier": 4,        // Optional field increasing or decreasing base guns loudness
"range_modifier": 2,           // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun range
"recoil_modifier": -100,       // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun recoil
"ups_charges_modifier": 200,   // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun UPS consumption (per shot) by adding given value
"ups_charges_multiplier": 2.5, // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun UPS consumption (per shot) by multiplying by given value
"ammo_to_fire_modifier": 200,   // Optional field increasing or decreasing amount of main ammo consumed per shot by adding given value
"ammo_to_fire_multiplier": 2.5, // Optional field increasing or decreasing main ammo consumed per shot by multiplying by given value
"reload_modifier": -10,        // Optional field increasing or decreasing base gun reload time in percent
"min_str_required_mod": 14,    // Optional field increasing or decreasing minimum strength required to use gun

Alternately, every item (book, tool, armor, even food) can be used as a gunmod if it has gunmod_data:

"type": "TOOL",       // Or any other item type
...                   // same entries as for the type (e.g. same entries as for any tool),
"gunmod_data" : {
    "location": ...,
    "mod_targets": ...,


"type": "BATTERY",    // Defines this as a BATTERY
...                   // Same entries as above for the generic item
                      // Additionally some battery specific entries:
"max_energy": "30 kJ" // Mandatory. Maximum energy quantity the battery can hold


"id": "torch_lit",    // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "TOOL",       // Defines this as a TOOL
"symbol": "/",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "brown",     // ASCII character color
"name": "torch (lit)", // In-game name displayed
"description": "A large stick, wrapped in gasoline soaked rags. This is burning, producing plenty of light", // In-game description
"price": 0,           // Used when bartering with NPCs.  Can use string "cent" "USD" or "kUSD".
"material": "wood",   // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"techniques": [ "FLAMING" ], // Combat techniques used by this tool
"flags": "FIRE",      // Indicates special effects
"weight": 831,        // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": "1500 ml",  // Volume, volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L"
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": 3,          // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"max_charges": 75,    // Maximum charges tool can hold
"initial_charges": 75, // Charges when spawned
"rand_charges: [10, 15, 25], // Randomize the charges when spawned. This example has a 50% chance of rng(10, 15) charges and a 50% chance of rng(15, 25) (The endpoints are included)
"sub": "hotplate",    // optional; this tool has the same functions as another tool
"charge_factor": 5,   // this tool uses charge_factor charges for every charge required in a recipe; intended for tools that have a "sub" field but use a different ammo that the original tool
"charges_per_use": 1, // Charges consumed per tool use
"turns_per_charge": 20, // Charges consumed over time, deprecated in favor of power_draw
"power_draw": 50,       // Energy consumption rate in mW
"ammo": [ "NULL" ],       // Ammo types used for reloading
"revert_to": "torch_done", // Transforms into item when charges are expended
"use_action": "firestarter" // Action performed when tool is used, see special definition below

Seed Data

Every item type can have optional seed data, if the item has seed data, it’s considered a seed and can be planted:

"seed_data" : {
    "fruit": "weed", // The item id of the fruits that this seed will produce.
    "seeds": false, // (optional, default is true). If true, harvesting the plant will spawn seeds (the same type as the item used to plant). If false only the fruits are spawned, no seeds.
    "fruit_div": 2, // (optional, default is 1). Final amount of fruit charges produced is divided by this number. Works only if fruit item is counted by charges.
    "byproducts": ["withered", "straw_pile"], // A list of further items that should spawn upon harvest.
    "plant_name": "sunflower", // The name of the plant that grows from this seed. This is only used as information displayed to the user.
    "grow" : 91 // A time duration: how long it takes for a plant to fully mature. Based around a 91 day season length (roughly a real world season) to give better accuracy for longer season lengths
                // Note that growing time is later converted based upon the season_length option, basing it around 91 is just for accuracy purposes
                // A value 91 means 3 full seasons, a value of 30 would mean 1 season.
    "required_terrain_flag": "PLANTABLE" // A tag that terrain and furniture would need to have in order for the seed to be plantable there.
					 // Default is "PLANTABLE", and using this will cause any terain the plant is wrown on to turn into dirt once the plant is planted, unless furniture is used.
					 // Using any other tag will not turn the terrain into dirt.

Brewing Data

Every item type can have optional brewing data, if the item has brewing data, it can be placed in a vat and will ferment into a different item type.

Currently only vats can only accept and produce liquid items.

"brewable" : {
    "time": 3600, // A time duration: how long the fermentation will take.
    "result": "beer" // The id of the result of the fermentation.

Relic Data

Defines various (semi-)magical properties of items. See for

Artifact Data

Artifacts are getting deprecated in favor of relic, avoid using them.


(optional, default: empty list)

Effects of the artifact when it’s in the inventory (main inventory, wielded, or worn) of the player.

Possible values (see src/enums.h for an up-to-date list):

  • AEP_STR_UP Strength + 4
  • AEP_DEX_UP Dexterity + 4
  • AEP_PER_UP Perception + 4
  • AEP_INT_UP Intelligence + 4
  • AEP_ALL_UP All stats + 2
  • AEP_SPEED_UP +20 speed
  • AEP_IODINE Reduces radiation
  • AEP_SNAKES Summons friendly snakes when you’re hit
  • AEP_INVISIBLE Makes you invisible
  • AEP_CLAIRVOYANCE See through walls
  • AEP_SUPER_CLAIRVOYANCE See through walls to a great distance
  • AEP_STEALTH Your steps are quieted
  • AEP_EXTINGUISH May extinguish nearby flames
  • AEP_GLOW Four-tile light source
  • AEP_PSYSHIELD Protection from fear paralyze attack
  • AEP_RESIST_ELECTRICITY Protection from electricity
  • AEP_CARRY_MORE Increases carrying capacity by 200
  • AEP_SAP_LIFE Killing non-zombie monsters may heal you
  • AEP_HUNGER Increases hunger
  • AEP_THIRST Increases thirst
  • AEP_SMOKE Emits smoke occasionally
  • AEP_EVIL Addiction to the power
  • AEP_SCHIZO Mimicks schizophrenia
  • AEP_RADIOACTIVE Increases your radiation
  • AEP_MUTAGENIC Mutates you slowly
  • AEP_ATTENTION Draws netherworld attention slowly
  • AEP_STR_DOWN Strength - 3
  • AEP_DEX_DOWN Dex - 3
  • AEP_PER_DOWN Per - 3
  • AEP_INT_DOWN Int - 3
  • AEP_ALL_DOWN All stats - 2
  • AEP_SPEED_DOWN -20 speed
  • AEP_FORCE_TELEPORT Occasionally force a teleport
  • AEP_MOVEMENT_NOISE Makes noise when you move
  • AEP_BAD_WEATHER More likely to experience bad weather
  • AEP_SICK Decreases health over time


(optional, default: empty list)

Effects of the artifact when it’s worn (it must be an armor item to be worn).

Possible values are the same as for effects_carried.


(optional, default: empty list)

Effects of the artifact when it’s wielded.

Possible values are the same as for effects_carried.


(optional, default: empty list)

Effects of the artifact when it’s activated (which require it to have a "use_action": "ARTIFACT" and it must have a non-zero max_charges value).

Possible values (see src/artifact.h for an up-to-date list):

  • AEA_STORM Emits shock fields
  • AEA_FIREBALL Targeted
  • AEA_ADRENALINE Adrenaline rush
  • AEA_MAP Maps the area around you
  • AEA_BLOOD Shoots blood all over
  • AEA_FATIGUE Creates interdimensional fatigue
  • AEA_ACIDBALL Targeted acid
  • AEA_PULSE Destroys adjacent terrain
  • AEA_HEAL Heals minor damage
  • AEA_CONFUSED Confuses all monsters in view
  • AEA_ENTRANCE Chance to make nearby monsters friendly
  • AEA_BUGS Chance to summon friendly insects
  • AEA_TELEPORT Teleports you
  • AEA_LIGHT Temporary light source
  • AEA_GROWTH Grow plants, a la triffid queen
  • AEA_HURTALL Hurts all monsters!
  • AEA_FUN Temporary morale bonus
  • AEA_SPLIT Split between good and bad
  • AEA_RADIATION Spew radioactive gas
  • AEA_PAIN Increases player pain
  • AEA_MUTATE Chance of mutation
  • AEA_PARALYZE You lose several turns
  • AEA_FIRESTORM Spreads minor fire all around you
  • AEA_ATTENTION Attention from sub-prime denizens
  • AEA_TELEGLOW Teleglow disease
  • AEA_NOISE Loud noise
  • AEA_SCREAM Noise & morale penalty
  • AEA_DIM Darkens the sky slowly
  • AEA_FLASH Flashbang
  • AEA_VOMIT User vomits
  • AEA_SHADOWS Summon shadow creatures
  • AEA_STAMINA_EMPTY Empties most of the player’s stamina gauge

Software Data

Every item type can have software data, it does not have any behavior:

"software_data" : {
    "type": "USELESS", // unused
    "power" : 91 // unused

Fuel data

Every item type can have fuel data that determines how much horse power it produces per unit consumed. Currently, gasses and plasmas cannot really be fuels.

If a fuel has the PERPETUAL flag, engines powered by it never use any fuel. This is primarily intended for the muscle pseudo-fuel, but mods may take advantage of it to make perpetual motion machines.

"fuel" : {
    energy": 34.2,               // battery charges per mL of fuel. batteries have energy 1
                                 // is also MJ/L from
                                 // assumes stacksize 250 per volume 1 (250mL). Multiply
                                 // by 250 / stacksize * volume for other stack sizes and
                                 // volumes
   "pump_terrain": "t_gas_pump", // optional. terrain id for the fuel's pump, if any.
   "explosion_data": {           // optional for fuels that can cause explosions
        "chance_hot": 2,         // 1 in chance_hot of explosion when attacked by HEAT weapons
        "chance_cold": 5,        // 1 in chance_cold of explosion when attacked by other weapons
        "factor": 1.0,           // explosion factor - larger numbers create more powerful explosions
        "fiery": true,           // true for fiery explosions
        "size_factor": 0.1       // size factor - larger numbers make the remaining fuel increase explosion power more

Use Actions

The contents of use_action fields can either be a string indicating a built-in function to call when the item is activated (defined in iuse.cpp), or one of several special definitions that invoke a more structured function.

"use_action": {
    "type": "transform",  // The type of method, in this case one that transforms the item.
    "target": "gasoline_lantern_on", // The item to transform to.
    "active": true,       // Whether the item is active once transformed.
    "msg": "You turn the lamp on.", // Message to display when activated.
    "need_fire": 1,                 // Whether fire is needed to activate.
    "need_fire_msg": "You need a lighter!", // Message to display if there is no fire.
    "transform_charges": 1,         // Number of charges used by item when it transforms.
    "need_charges": 1,                      // Number of charges the item needs to transform. Just a check, nothing is consumed.
    "need_charges_msg": "The lamp is empty.", // Message to display if there aren't enough charges.
    "need_worn": true;                        // Whether the item needs to be worn to be transformed, is false by default.
    "need_wielding": false,             // Whether the item needs to be wielded to be transformed, false by default.
    "need_dry": false,                  // Whether the item cannot transform while submerged in water, false by default.
    "target_charges" : 3, // Number of charges the transformed item has.
    "rand_target_charges: [10, 15, 25], // Randomize the charges the transformed item has. This example has a 50% chance of rng(10, 15) charges and a 50% chance of rng(15, 25) (The endpoints are included)
    "container" : "jar",  // Container holding the target item.
    "moves" : 500         // Moves required to transform the item in excess of a normal action.
"use_action": {
    "type": "explosion", // An item that explodes when it runs out of charges.
    "sound_volume": 0, // Volume of a sound the item makes every turn.
    "sound_msg": "Tick.", // Message describing sound the item makes every turn.
    "no_deactivate_msg": "You've already pulled the %s's pin, try throwing it instead.", // Message to display if the player tries to activate the item, prevents activation from succeeding if defined.
    "explosion": { // Optional: physical explosion data
        // Specified like `"explosion"` field in generic items
    "draw_explosion_radius" : 5, // How large to draw the radius of the explosion.
    "draw_explosion_color" : "ltblue", // The color to use when drawing the explosion.
    "do_flashbang" : true, // Whether to do the flashbang effect.
    "flashbang_player_immune" : true, // Whether the player is immune to the flashbang effect.
    "fields_radius": 3, // The radius of spread for fields produced.
    "fields_type": "fd_tear_gas", // The type of fields produced.
    "fields_min_density": 3,
    "fields_max_density": 3,
    "emp_blast_radius": 4,
    "scrambler_blast_radius": 4
"use_action": {
    "type": "change_scent", // Change the scent type of the user.
    "scent_typeid": "sc_fetid", // The scenttype_id of the new scent.
    "charges_to_use": 2, // Charges consumed when the item is used.  (Default: 1)
    "scent_mod": 150, // Modifier added to the scent intensity.  (Default: 0)
    "duration": "6 m", // How long does the effect last.
    "effects": [ { "id": "fetid_goop", "duration": 360, "bp": "TORSO" } ], // List of effects with their id, duration, and bodyparts
    "waterproof": true, // Is the effect waterproof.  (Default: false)
    "moves": 500 // Number of moves required in the process.
"use_action": {
    "type": "unfold_vehicle", // Transforms the item into a vehicle.
    "vehicle_name": "bicycle", // Vehicle name to create.
    "unfold_msg": "You painstakingly unfold the bicycle and make it ready to ride.", // Message to display when transforming.
    "moves": 500 // Number of moves required in the process.
"use_action" : {
    "type" : "consume_drug", // A drug the player can consume.
    "activation_message" : "You smoke your crack rocks.  Mother would be proud.", // Message, ayup.
    "effects" : { "high": 15 }, // Effects and their duration.
    "stat_adjustments": {"hunger" : -10}, // Adjustment to make to player stats.
    "fields_produced" : {"cracksmoke" : 2}, // Fields to produce, mostly used for smoke.
    "charges_needed" : { "fire" : 1 }, // Charges to use in the process of consuming the drug.
    "tools_needed" : { "apparatus" : -1 }, // Tool needed to use the drug.
    "moves": 50 // Number of moves required in the process, default value is 100.
"use_action": {
    "type": "place_monster", // place a turret / manhack / whatever monster on the map
    "monster_id": "mon_manhack", // monster id, see monsters.json
    "difficulty": 4, // difficulty for programming it (manhacks have 4, turrets 6, ...)
    "hostile_msg": "It's hostile!", // (optional) message when programming the monster failed and it's hostile.
    "friendly_msg": "Good!", // (optional) message when the monster is programmed properly and it's friendly.
    "place_randomly": true, // if true: places the monster randomly around the player, if false: let the player decide where to put it (default: false)
    "skill1": "throw", // Id of a skill, higher skill level means more likely to place a friendly monster.
    "skill2": "unarmed", // Another id, just like the skill1. Both entries are optional.
    "moves": 60 // how many move points the action takes.
"use_action": {
    "type": "place_npc", // place npc of specific class on the map
    "npc_class_id": "true_foodperson", // npc class id, see npcs/classes.json
    "summon_msg": "You summon a food hero!", // (optional) message when summoning the npc.
    "place_randomly": true, // if true: places npc randomly around the player, if false: let the player decide where to put it (default: false)
    "moves": 50 // how many move points the action takes.
"use_action": {
    "type": "ups_based_armor", // Armor that can be activated and uses power from an UPS, needs additional json code to work
    "activate_msg": "You activate your foo.", // Message when the player activates the item.
    "deactive_msg": "You deactivate your foo.", // Message when the player deactivates the item.
    "out_of_power_msg": "Your foo runs out of power and deactivates itself." // Message when the UPS runs out of power and the item is deactivated automatically.
"use_action" : {
    "type" : "delayed_transform", // Like transform, but it will only transform when the item has a certain age
    "transform_age" : 600, // The minimal age of the item. Items that are younger wont transform. In turns (60 turns = 1 minute)
    "not_ready_msg" : "The yeast has not been done The yeast isn't done culturing yet." // A message, shown when the item is not old enough
"use_action": {
    "type": "firestarter", // Start a fire, like with a lighter.
    "moves_cost": 15 // Number of moves it takes to start the fire.
"use_action": {
    "type": "unpack", // unpack this item
    "group": "gobag_contents", // itemgroup this unpacks into
    "items_fit": true, // Do the armor items in this fit? Defaults to false.
    "filthy_volume_threshold": "10 L" // If the items unpacked from this item have volume, and this item is filthy, at what amount of held volume should they become filthy
"use_action": {
    "type": "extended_firestarter", // Start a fire (like with magnifying glasses or a fire drill). This action can take many turns, not just some moves like firestarter, it can also be canceled (firestarter can't).
    "need_sunlight": true // Whether the character needs to be in direct sunlight, e.g. to use magnifying glasses.
"use_action": {
    "type": "salvage", // Try to salvage base materials from an item, e.g. cutting up cloth to get rags or leather.
    "moves_per_part": 25, // Number of moves it takes (optional).
    "material_whitelist": [ // List of material ids (not item ids!) that can be salvage from.
        "cotton",           // The list here is the default list, used when there is no explicit martial list given.
        "leather",          // If the item (that is to be cut up) has any material not in the list, it can not be cut up.
"use_action": {
    "type": "inscribe", // Inscribe a message on an item or on the ground.
    "on_items": true, // Whether the item can inscribe on an item.
    "on_terrain": false, // Whether the item can inscribe on the ground.
    "material_restricted": true, // Whether the item can only inscribe on certain item materials. Not used when inscribing on the ground.
    "material_whitelist": [ // List of material ids (not item ids!) that can be inscribed on.
        "wood",             // Only used when inscribing on an item, and only when material_restricted is true.
        "plastic",          // The list here is the default that is used when no explicit list is given.
"use_action": {
    "type": "cauterize", // Cauterize the character.
    "flame": true // If true, the character needs 4 charges of fire (e.g. from a lighter) to do this action, if false, the charges of the item itself are used.
"use_action": {
    "type": "enzlave" // Make a zlave.
"use_action": {
    "type": "fireweapon_off", // Activate a fire based weapon.
    "target_id": "firemachete_on", // The item type to transform this item into.
    "success_message": "Your No. 9 glows!", // A message that is shows if the action succeeds.
    "failure_message": "", // A message that is shown if the action fails, for whatever reason. (Optional, if not given, no message will be printed.)
    "lacks_fuel_message": "Out of fuel", // Message that is shown if the item has no charges.
    "noise": 0, // The noise it makes to active the item, Optional, 0 means no sound at all.
    "moves": 0, // The number of moves it takes the character to even try this action (independent of the result).
    "success_chance": 0 // How likely it is to succeed the action. Default is to always succeed. Try numbers in the range of 0-10.
"use_action": {
    "type": "fireweapon_on", // Function for active (burning) fire based weapons.
    "noise_chance": 1, // The chance (one in X) that the item will make a noise, rolled on each turn.
    "noise": 0, // The sound volume it makes, if it makes a noise at all. If 0, no sound is made, but the noise message is still printed.
    "noise_message": "Your No. 9 hisses.", // The message / sound description (if noise is > 0), that appears when the item makes a sound.
    "voluntary_extinguish_message": "Your No. 9 goes dark.", // Message that appears when the item is turned of by player.
    "charges_extinguish_message": "Out of ammo!", // Message that appears when the item runs out of charges.
    "water_extinguish_message": "Your No. 9 hisses in the water and goes out.", // Message that appears if the character walks into water and the fire of the item is extinguished.
    "auto_extinguish_chance": 0, // If > 0, this is the (one in X) chance that the item goes out on its own.
    "auto_extinguish_message": "Your No. 9 cuts out!" // Message that appears if the item goes out on its own (only required if auto_extinguish_chance is > 0).
"use_action": {
    "type": "musical_instrument", // The character plays an instrument (this item) while walking around.
    "speed_penalty": 10, // This is subtracted from the characters speed.
    "volume": 12, // Volume of the sound of the instrument.
    "fun": -5, // Together with fun_bonus, this defines how much morale the character gets from playing the instrument. They get `fun + fun_bonus * <character-perception>` morale points out of it. Both values and the result may be negative.
    "fun_bonus": 2,
    "description_frequency": 20, // Once every Nth turn, a randomly chosen description (from the that array) is displayed.
    "player_descriptions": [
        "You play a little tune on your flute.",
        "You play a beautiful piece on your flute.",
        "You play a piece on your flute that sounds harmonious with nature."
"use_action": {
    "type": "holster", // Holster or draw a weapon
    "holster_prompt": "Holster item", // Prompt to use when selecting an item
    "holster_msg": "You holster your %s", // Message to show when holstering an item
    "max_volume": "1500 ml", // Maximum volume of each item that can be holstered. Volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L".
    "min_volume": "750 ml",  // Minimum volume of each item that can be holstered or 1/3 max_volume if unspecified. volume in ml and L can be used - "50 ml" or "2 L".
    "max_weight": 2000, // Maximum weight of each item. If unspecified no weight limit is imposed
    "multi": 1, // Total number of items that holster can contain
    "draw_cost": 10, // Base move cost per unit volume when wielding the contained item
    "skills": ["pistol", "shotgun"], // Guns using any of these skills can be holstered
    "flags": ["SHEATH_KNIFE", "SHEATH_SWORD"] // Items with any of these flags set can be holstered
"use_action": {
    "type": "bandolier", // Store ammo and later reload using it
    "capacity": 10, // Total number of rounds that can be stored
    "ammo": [ "shot", "9mm" ], // What types of ammo can be stored?
"use_action": {
    "type": "reveal_map", // reveal specific terrains on the overmap
    "radius": 180, // radius around the player where things are revealed. A single overmap is 180x180 tiles.
    "terrain": ["hiway", "road"], // ids of overmap terrain types that should be revealed (as many as you want).
    "message": "You add roads and tourist attractions to your map." // Displayed after the revelation.
"use_action": {
    "type" : "heal",        // Heal damage, possibly some statuses
    "limb_power" : 10,      // How much hp to restore when healing limbs? Mandatory value
    "head_power" : 7,       // How much hp to restore when healing head? If unset, defaults to 0.8 * limb_power.
    "torso_power" : 15,     // How much hp to restore when healing torso? If unset, defaults to 1.5 * limb_power.
    "bleed" : 0.4,          // Chance to remove bleed effect.
    "bite" : 0.95,          // Chance to remove bite effect.
    "infect" : 0.1,         // Chance to remove infected effect.
    "move_cost" : 250,      // Cost in moves to use the item.
    "long_action" : true,   // Is using this item a long action. Setting this to true will divide move cost by (first aid skill + 1).
    "limb_scaling" : 1.2,   // How much extra limb hp should be healed per first aid level. Defaults to 0.25 * limb_power.
    "head_scaling" : 1.0,   // How much extra limb hp should be healed per first aid level. Defaults to (limb_scaling / limb_power) * head_power.
    "torso_scaling" : 2.0,  // How much extra limb hp should be healed per first aid level. Defaults to (limb_scaling / limb_power) * torso_power.
    "effects" : [           // Effects to apply to patient on finished healing. Same syntax as in consume_drug effects.
        { "id" : "pkill1", "duration" : 120 }
    "used_up_item" : "rag_bloody" // Item produced on successful healing. If the healing item is a tool, it is turned into the new type. Otherwise a new item is produced.
"use_action": {
    "type": "place_trap", // places a trap
    "allow_underwater": false, // (optional) allow placing this trap when the player character is underwater
    "allow_under_player": false, // (optional) allow placing the trap on the same square as the player character (e.g. for benign traps)
    "needs_solid_neighbor": false, // (optional) trap must be placed between two solid tiles (e.g. for tripwire).
    "needs_neighbor_terrain": "t_tree", // (optional, default is empty) if non-empty: a terrain id, the trap must be placed adjacent to that terrain.
    "outer_layer_trap": "tr_blade", // (optional, default is empty) if non-empty: a trap id, makes the game place a 3x3 field of traps. The center trap is the one defined by "trap", the 8 surrounding traps are defined by this (e.g. tr_blade for blade traps).
    "bury_question": "", // (optional) if non-empty: a question that will be asked if the player character has a shoveling tool and the target location is diggable. It allows to place a buried trap. If the player answers the question (e.g. "Bury the X-trap?") with yes, the data from the "bury" object will be used.
    "bury": { // If the bury_question was answered with yes, data from this entry will be used instead of outer data.
         // This json object should contain "trap", "done_message", "practice" and (optional) "moves", with the same meaning as below.
    "trap": "tr_engine", // The trap to place.
    "done_message": "Place the beartrap on the %s.", // The message that appears after the trap has been placed. %s is replaced with the terrain name of the place where the trap has been put.
    "practice": 4, // How much practice to the "traps" skill placing the trap gives.
    "moves": 10 // (optional, default is 100): the move points that are used by placing the trap.
"use_action": {
    "type": "repair_item",                // Repair items. Skill, tool quality, and dexterity is checked against how hard that item is to craft/dissemble (which may be modified with repairs_like).
    "item_action_type": "repair_fabric",  // Points to an item_action JSON entry that determines the action's name in the use menu. Vanilla examples include repair_fabric and repair_metal.
    "materials": [                        // What materials can be repaired by this item. Materials.json defines what item is consumed when repairing items of that material.
    "skill": "tailor",    // What skill determines chance of success vs. risk of damaging the item further.
    "tool_quality": 3,    // Bonus from tool, 1.<X> times multiplier on skill.  With 8 Dex, 10 skill plus 2 or more tool_quality allows any item in the game to be fully reinforced.
    "cost_scaling": 0.1,  // Reduces or increases how much raw material is needed per successful repair action, also affected by the item's volume.
    "move_cost": 800      // How long between each roll for success or failure, 100 moves is 1 turn.
"use_action": {
    "type": "sew_advanced",  // Modify clothing
    "materials": [           // materials to deal with.
    "skill": "tailor",       // Skill used.
    "clothing_mods": [       // Clothing mods to deal with.

Random Descriptions

Any item with a “snippet_category” entry will have random descriptions, based on that snippet category:

"snippet_category": "newspaper",

The item descriptions are taken from snippets, which can be specified like this (the value of category must match the snippet_category in the item definition):

  "type": "snippet",
  "category": "newspaper",
  "id": "snippet-id", // id is optional, it's used when the snippet is referenced in the item list of professions
  "text": "your flavor text"

or several snippets at once:

  "type": "snippet",
  "category": "newspaper",
  "text": [
    "your flavor text",
    "more flavor",
    // entries can also bo of this form to have a id to reference that specific snippet.
    { "id": "snippet-id", "text": "another flavor text" }
  "text": ["your flavor text", "another flavor text", "more flavor"]

Multiple snippets for the same category are possible and actually recommended. The game will select a random one for each item of that type.

One can also put the snippets directly in the item definition:

"snippet_category": [ "text 1", "text 2", "text 3" ],

This will automatically create a snippet category specific to that item and populate that category with the given snippets. The format also support snippet ids like above.

json/ JSONs


    "id": "jabberwock",
    "type": "harvest",
    "message": "You messily hack apart the colossal mass of fused, rancid flesh, taking note of anything that stands out.",
    "entries": [
      { "drop": "meat_tainted", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.33 },
      { "drop": "fat_tainted", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.1 },
      { "drop": "jabberwock_heart", "base_num": [ 0, 1 ], "scale_num": [ 0.6, 0.9 ], "max": 3, "type": "flesh" }
  "id": "mammal_large_fur",
  "//": "drops large stomach",
  "type": "harvest",
  "entries": [
    { "drop": "meat", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.32 },
    { "drop": "meat_scrap", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.01 },
    { "drop": "lung", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.0035 },
    { "drop": "liver", "type": "offal", "mass_ratio": 0.01 },
    { "drop": "brain", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.005 },
    { "drop": "sweetbread", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.002 },
    { "drop": "kidney", "type": "offal", "mass_ratio": 0.002 },
    { "drop": "stomach_large", "scale_num": [ 1, 1 ], "max": 1, "type": "offal" },
    { "drop": "bone", "type": "bone", "mass_ratio": 0.15 },
    { "drop": "sinew", "type": "bone", "mass_ratio": 0.00035 },
    { "drop": "fur", "type": "skin", "mass_ratio": 0.02 },
    { "drop": "fat", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.07 }
  "id": "CBM_SCI",
  "type": "harvest",
  "entries": [
      "drop": "bionics_sci",
      "type": "bionic_group",
      "flags": [ "FILTHY", "NO_STERILE", "NO_PACKED" ],
      "faults": [ "fault_bionic_salvaged" ]
    { "drop": "meat_tainted", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.25 },
    { "drop": "fat_tainted", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.08 },
    { "drop": "bone_tainted", "type": "bone", "mass_ratio": 0.1 }


Unique id of the harvest definition.


Should always be harvest to mark the object as a harvest definition.


Optional message to be printed when a creature using the harvest definition is butchered. May be omitted from definition.


Array of dictionaries defining possible items produced on butchering and their likelihood of being produced. drop value should be the id string of the item to be produced.

type value should be a string with the associated body part the item comes from. Acceptable values are as follows: flesh: the “meat” of the creature. offal: the “organs” of the creature. these are removed when field dressing. skin: the “skin” of the creature. this is what is ruined while quartering. bone: the “bones” of the creature. you will get some amount of these from field dressing, and the rest of them from butchering the carcass. bionic: an item gained by dissecting the creature. not restricted to CBMs. bionic_group: an item group that will give an item by dissecting a creature. not restricted to groups containing CBMs.

flags value should be an array of strings. It’s the flags that will be added to te items of that entry upon harvesting.

faults value should be an array of fault_id strings. It’s the faults that will be added to te items of that entry upon harvesting.

For every type other then bionic and bionic_group following entries scale the results: base_num value should be an array with two elements in which the first defines the minimum number of the corresponding item produced and the second defines the maximum number. scale_num value should be an array with two elements, increasing the minimum and maximum drop numbers respectively by element value * survival skill. max upper limit after bas_num and scale_num are calculated using mass_ratio value is a multiplier of how much of the monster’s weight comprises the associated item. to conserve mass, keep between 0 and 1 combined with all drops. This overrides base_num, scale_num and max

For types: bionic and bionic_group following enrties can scale the results: max this value (in contrary to max for other types) corresponds to maximum butchery roll that will be passed to check_butcher_cbm() in activity_handlers.cpp; view check_butcher_cbm() to see corresponding distribution chances for roll values passed to that function

Weapon Category

Used to classify weapons (guns or melee) into groups, mainly for use in martial arts.

  "type": "weapon_category",
  "id": "WEAP_CAT",
  "name": "Weapon Category"

"name" is a translatable string used for UI display in martial arts UI, while ID is used for JSON entries.


  "type": "furniture",
  "id": "f_toilet",
  "name": "toilet",
  "symbol": "&",
  "looks_like": "chair",
  "color": "white",
  "move_cost_mod": 2,
  "light_emitted": 5,
  "required_str": 18,
  "crafting_pseudo_item": "anvil",
  "examine_action": "toilet",
  "close": "f_foo_closed",
  "open": "f_foo_open",
  "lockpick_result": "f_safe_open",
  "lockpick_message": "With a click, you unlock the safe.",
  "provides_liquids": "beer",
  "bash": "TODO",
  "deconstruct": "TODO",
  "max_volume": "1000 L",
  "examine_action": "workbench",
  "workbench": { "multiplier": 1.1, "mass": 10000, "volume": "50L" },
  "boltcut": {
    "result": "f_safe_open",
    "duration": "1 seconds",
    "message": "The safe opens.",
    "sound": "Gachunk!",
    "byproducts": [{ "item": "scrap", "count": 3 }]
  "hacksaw": {
    "result": "f_safe_open",
    "duration": "12 seconds",
    "message": "The safe is hacksawed open!",
    "sound": "Gachunk!",
    "byproducts": [{ "item": "scrap", "count": 13 }]


Fixed string, must be furniture to identify the JSON object as such.

"id", "name", "symbol", "looks_like", "color", "bgcolor", "max_volume", "open", "close", "bash", "deconstruct", "examine_action", "flgs

Same as for terrain, see below in the chapter “Common to furniture and terrain”.


Movement cost modifier (-10 = impassable, 0 = no change). This is added to the movecost of the underlying terrain.


(Optional) When the furniture is successfully lockpicked, this is the furniture it will turn into.


(Optional) When the furniture is successfully lockpicked, this is the message that will be printed to the player. When it is missing, a generic "The lock opens…" message will be printed instead.


(Optional) Data for using with an oxytorch.

oxytorch: {
    "result": "furniture_id", // (optional) furniture it will become when done, defaults to f_null
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for oxytorching, default is 1 second
    "message": "You quickly cut the metal", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


How much light the furniture produces. 10 will light the tile it’s on brightly, 15 will light that tile and the tiles around it brightly, as well as slightly lighting the tiles two tiles away from the source. For examples: An overhead light is 120, a utility light, 240, and a console, 10.


(Optional) Data for using with an bolt cutter.

"boltcut": {
    "result": "furniture_id", // (optional) furniture it will become when done, defaults to f_null
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for bolt cutting, default is 1 second
    "message": "You finish cutting the metal.", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "sound": "Gachunk!", // ( optional ) description of the sound when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


(Optional) Data for using with an hacksaw.

"hacksaw": {
    "result": "furniture_id", // (optional) furniture it will become when done, defaults to f_null
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for hacksawing, default is 1 second
    "message": "You finish cutting the metal.", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


Strength required to move the furniture around. Negative values indicate an unmovable furniture.


(Optional) Id of an item (tool) that will be available for crafting when this furniture is range (the furniture acts as an item of that type). Can be made into an array. Example: "crafting_pseudo_item": [ "fake_gridwelder", "fake_gridsolderingiron" ],


(Optional) Can craft here. Must specify a speed multiplier, allowed mass, and allowed volume. Mass/volume over these limits incur a speed penalty. Must be paired with a "workbench" examine_action to function.


(Optional) This is a plant. Must specify a plant transform, and a base depending on context. You can also add a harvest or growth multiplier if it has the GROWTH_HARVEST flag.


(Optional) Surgery skill multiplier (float) applied by this furniture to survivor standing next to it for the purpose of surgery.


(Optional) Dispenses infinite amounts of specified liquid item when interacted. Must be used with "examine_action": "liquid_source" to work.


  "type": "terrain",
  "id": "t_spiked_pit",
  "name": "spiked pit",
  "symbol": "0",
  "looks_like": "pit",
  "color": "ltred",
  "move_cost": 10,
  "light_emitted": 10,
  "trap": "spike_pit",
  "max_volume": "1000 L",
  "flags": ["TRANSPARENT", "DIGGABLE"],
  "digging_result": "digging_sand_50L",
  "connects_to": "WALL",
  "close": "t_foo_closed",
  "open": "t_foo_open",
  "lockpick_result": "t_door_unlocked",
  "lockpick_message": "With a click, you unlock the door.",
  "bash": "TODO",
  "deconstruct": "TODO",
  "harvestable": "blueberries",
  "transforms_into": "t_tree_harvested",
  "harvest_season": "WINTER",
  "roof": "t_roof",
  "examine_action": "pit",
  "boltcut": {
    "result": "t_door_unlocked",
    "duration": "1 seconds",
    "message": "The door opens.",
    "sound": "Gachunk!",
    "byproducts": [{ "item": "scrap", "2x4": 3 }]
  "hacksaw": {
    "result": "t_door_unlocked",
    "duration": "12 seconds",
    "message": "The door is hacksawed open!",
    "sound": "Gachunk!",
    "byproducts": [{ "item": "scrap", "2x4": 13 }]


Fixed string, must be “terrain” to identify the JSON object as such.

"id", "name", "symbol", "looks_like", "color", "bgcolor", "max_volume", "open", "close", "bash", "deconstruct", "examine_action", "flgs

Same as for furniture, see below in the chapter “Common to furniture and terrain”.


Move cost to move through. A value of 0 means it’s impassable (e.g. wall). You should not use negative values. The positive value is multiple of 50 move points, e.g. value 2 means the player uses 2 * 50 = 100 move points when moving across the terrain.


How much light the terrain emits. 10 will light the tile it’s on brightly, 15 will light that tile and the tiles around it brightly, as well as slightly lighting the tiles two tiles away from the source. For examples: An overhead light is 120, a utility light, 240, and a console, 10.


(Optional) String defining the ID of what itemgroup this terrain will produce when a pit is dug here.

Only relevant for terrain with the DIGGABLE flag. If not specificed, default is itemgroup digging_soil_loam_50L. Note as well that this group will be called 4 times by default, 8 times if the terrain has the DIGGABLE_CAN_DEEPEN flag.


(Optional) When the terrain is successfully lockpicked, this is the terrain it will turn into.


(Optional) When the terrain is successfully lockpicked, this is the message that will be printed to the player. When it is missing, a generic "The lock opens…" message will be printed instead.


(Optional) Data for using with an oxytorch.

oxytorch: {
    "result": "terrain_id", // terrain it will become when done
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for oxytorching, default is 1 second
    "message": "You quickly cut the bars", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


(Optional) Id of the build-in trap of that terrain.

For example the terrain t_pit has the built-in trap tr_pit. Every tile in the game that has the terrain t_pit also has, therefore, an implicit trap tr_pit on it. The two are inseparable (the player can not deactivate the built-in trap, and changing the terrain will also deactivate the built-in trap).

A built-in trap prevents adding any other trap explicitly (by the player and through mapgen).


(Optional) If defined, the terrain is harvestable. This entry defines the item type of the harvested fruits (or similar). To make this work, you also have to set one of the harvest_* examine_action functions.


(Optional) Data for using with an bolt cutter.

"boltcut": {
    "result": "terrain_id", // terrain it will become when done
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for bolt cutting, default is 1 second
    "message": "You finish cutting the metal.", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "sound": "Gachunk!", // ( optional ) description of the sound when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


(Optional) Data for using with an hacksaw.

"hacksaw": {
    "result": "terrain_id", // terrain it will become when done
    "duration": "1 seconds", // ( optional ) time required for hacksawing, default is 1 second
    "message": "You finish cutting the metal.", // ( optional ) message that will be displayed when finished
    "byproducts": [ // ( optional ) list of items that will be spawned when finished
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": 100 // exact amount
            "item": "item_id",
            "count": [ 10, 100 ] // random number in range ( inclusive )


(Optional) Used for various transformation of the terrain. If defined, it must be a valid terrain id. Used for example:

  • When harvesting fruits (to change into the harvested form of the terrain).
  • In combination with the HARVESTED flag and harvest_season to change the harvested terrain back into a terrain with fruits.


(Optional) On of “SUMMER”, “AUTUMN”, “WINTER”, “SPRING”, used in combination with the “HARVESTED” flag to revert the terrain back into a terrain that can be harvested.


(Optional) The terrain of the terrain on top of this (the roof).

Common To Furniture And Terrain

Some values can/must be set for terrain and furniture. They have the same meaning in each case.


Id of the object, this should be unique among all object of that type (all terrain or all furniture types). By convention (but technically not needed), the id should have the “f_” prefix for furniture and the “t_” prefix for terrain. This is not translated. It must not be changed later as that would break save compatibility.


Displayed name of the object. This will be translated.


(Optional) Various additional flags, see “doc/”.


(Optional) The group of terrains to which this terrain connects. This affects tile rotation and connections, and the ASCII symbol drawn by terrain with the flag “AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL”.

Current values:

  • WALL

Example: - , | , X and Y are terrain which share the same connects_to value. O does not have it. X and Y also have the AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL flag. X will be drawn as a T-intersection (connected to west, south and east), Y will be drawn as a horizontal line (going from west to east, no connection to south).

-X-    -Y-
 |      O


ASCII symbol of the object as it appears in the game. The symbol string must be exactly one character long. This can also be an array of 4 strings, which define the symbol during the different seasons. The first entry defines the symbol during spring. If it’s not an array, the same symbol is used all year round.


How comfortable this terrain/furniture is. Impact ability to fall asleep on it. uncomfortable = -999, neutral = 0, slightly_comfortable = 3, comfortable = 5, very_comfortable = 10


Bonus warmth offered by this terrain/furniture when used to sleep.


Increase warmth received on feet from nearby fire (default = 300)


id of a similar item that this item looks like. The tileset loader will try to load the tile for that item if this item doesn’t have a tile. looks_like entries are implicitly chained, so if ‘throne’ has looks_like ‘big_chair’ and ‘big_chair’ has looks_like ‘chair’, a throne will be displayed using the chair tile if tiles for throne and big_chair do not exist. If a tileset can’t find a tile for any item in the looks_like chain, it will default to the ascii symbol.

color or bgcolor

Color of the object as it appears in the game. “color” defines the foreground color (no background color), “bgcolor” defines a solid background color. As with the “symbol” value, this can be an array with 4 entries, each entry being the color during the different seasons.

NOTE: You must use ONLY ONE of “color” or “bgcolor”


(Optional) Maximal volume that can be used to store items here. Volume in ml and L can be used - “50 ml” or “2 L”


(Optional) The json function that is called when the object is examined. See “src/iexamine.h”.

close" And "open

(Optional) The value should be a terrain id (inside a terrain entry) or a furniture id (in a furniture entry). If either is defined, the player can open / close the object. Opening / closing will change the object at the affected tile to the given one. For example one could have object “safe_c”, which “open”s to “safe_o” and “safe_o” in turn “close”s to “safe_c”. Here “safe_c” and “safe_o” are two different terrain (or furniture) types that have different properties.


(Optional) Defines whether the object can be bashed and if so, what happens. See “map_bash_info”.


(Optional) Defines whether the object can be deconstructed and if so, what the results shall be. See “map_deconstruct_info”.


(Optional) Defines whether the object can be pried open and if so, what happens. See “prying_result”.


Defines the various things that happen when the player or something else bashes terrain or furniture.

  "str_min": 80,
  "str_max": 180,
  "str_min_blocked": 15,
  "str_max_blocked": 100,
  "str_min_supported": 15,
  "str_max_supported": 100,
  "sound": "crunch!",
  "sound_vol": 2,
  "sound_fail": "whack!",
  "sound_fail_vol": 2,
  "ter_set": "t_dirt",
  "furn_set": "f_rubble",
  "explosive": 1,
  "collapse_radius": 2,
  "destroy_only": true,
  "bash_below": true,
  "tent_centers": ["f_groundsheet", "f_fema_groundsheet", "f_skin_groundsheet"],
  "items": "bashed_item_result_group"

str_min, str_max, str_min_blocked, str_max_blocked, str_min_supported, str_max_supported


sound, sound_fail, sound_vol, sound_fail_vol

(Optional) Sound and volume of the sound that appears upon destroying the bashed object or upon unsuccessfully bashing it (failing). The sound strings are translated (and displayed to the player).

furn_set, ter_set

The terrain / furniture that will be set when the original is destroyed. This is mandatory for bash entries in terrain, but optional for entries in furniture (it defaults to no furniture).


(Optional) If greater than 0, destroying the object causes an explosion with this strength (see game::explosion).





tent_centers, collapse_radius

(Optional) For furniture that is part of tents, this defines the id of the center part, which will be destroyed as well when other parts of the tent get bashed. The center is searched for in the given “collapse_radius” radius, it should match the size of the tent.


(Optional) An item group (inline) or an id of an item group, see doc/ The default subtype is “collection”. Upon successful bashing, items from that group will be spawned.


  "furn_set": "f_safe",
  "ter_set": "t_dirt",
  "items": "deconstructed_item_result_group"

furn_set, ter_set

The terrain / furniture that will be set after the original has been deconstructed. “furn_set” is optional (it defaults to no furniture), “ter_set” is only used upon “deconstruct” entries in terrain and is mandatory there.


(Optional) An item group (inline) or an id of an item group, see doc/ The default subtype is “collection”. Upon deconstruction the object, items from that group will be spawned.


  "success_message": "You pry open the door.",
  "fail_message": "You pry, but cannot pry open the door.",
  "break_message": "You damage the door!",
  "pry_quality": 2,
  "pry_bonus_mult": 3,
  "noise": 12,
  "break_noise": 10,
  "sound": "crunch!",
  "break_sound": "crack!",
  "breakable": true,
  "difficulty": 8,
  "new_ter_type": "t_door_o",
  "new_furn_type": "f_crate_o",
  "break_ter_type": "t_door_b",
  "break_furn_type": "f_null",
  "break_items": [
    { "item": "2x4", "prob": 25 },
    { "item": "wood_panel", "prob": 10 },
    { "item": "splinter", "count": [1, 2] },
    { "item": "nail", "charges": [0, 2] }

new_ter_type, new_furn_type

The terrain / furniture that will be set after the original has been pried open. “furn_set” is optional (it defaults to no furniture), “ter_set” is only used upon “pry” entries in terrain and is mandatory there.

success_message, fail_message, break_message

Messages displayed on successfully prying open the terrain / furniture, on failure, or should the terrain / furniture break into something else from a failed pry attempt. break_message is only required if breakable is set to true and break_ter_type is defined.

pry_quality, pry_bonus_mult, difficulty

This determines the minimum prying quality needed to attempt to pry open the terrain / furniture, and the chance of successfully prying it open. From iuse.cpp:

int diff = pry->difficulty;
diff -= ( ( pry_level - pry->pry_quality ) * pry->pry_bonus_mult );
if( dice( 4, diff ) < dice( 4, p->str_cur ) ) {
    p->add_msg_if_player( m_good, pry->success_message );

difficulty is compared to the character’s current strength during the prying attempt. If the available prying quality of your tool is above the required pry_quality, effective difficulty is reduced at a rate determined by pry_bonus_mult. pry_bonus_mult is optional, and defaults to 1 (meaning for every level of prying quality your tool has beyond the minimum, diff will be reduced by 1).

noise, break_noise, ‘sound’, ‘break_sound’

If noise is specified, successfully prying the terrain / furniture open will play sound at the specified volume. If breakable is true and break_noise is specified, breaking the terrain / furniture on a failed prying attempt will play break_noise at the specified volume.

If noise or break_noise are not specified then prying or breaking the terrain / furniture in question will simply be silent and make no sound, making them optional. sound and break_sound are also optional, with default messages of “crunch!” and “crack!” respectively.

breakable, break_ter_type, break_furn_type

If breakable is set to true, then failed pry attempts have a chance of breaking the terrain / furniture instead. For terrain, break_ter_type is mandatory if breakable is set to true, break_furn_type is optional and defaults to null.


(Optional) An item group (inline) or an id of an item group, see doc/ The default subtype is “collection”. If breakable is set to true, breaking the object from a failed pry attempt will spawn items from that group.


  "transform": "f_planter_harvest",
  "base": "f_planter",
  "growth_multiplier": 1.2,
  "harvest_multiplier": 0.8


What the PLANT furniture turn into when it grows a stage, or what a PLANTABLE furniture turns into when it is planted on.


What the ‘base’ furniture of the PLANT furniture is - what it would be if there was not a plant growing there. Used when monsters ‘eat’ the plant to preserve what furniture it is.


A flat multiplier on the growth speed on the plant. For numbers greater than one, it will take longer to grow, and for numbers less than one it will take less time to grow.


A flat multiplier on the harvest count of the plant. For numbers greater than one, the plant will give more produce from harvest, for numbers less than one it will give less produce from harvest.


  "type": "trap",                // Defines this as a trap
  "id": "tr_caltrops_glass",     // Unique identifier
  "name": "glass caltrops",      // Displayed name
  "color": "dark_gray",          // Color of symbol displayed if tiles are disabled or if no sprite is defined for it
  "symbol": "_",                 // Symbol display if tiles are disabled or if no sprite is defined
  "looks_like": "tr_caltrops",   // hint to tilesets if this part has no tile, use the looks_like tile
  "visibility": 6,               // Difficulty of spotting this trap if not placed by the player, checked against perception. 0 means the trap is never concealed from the player
  "avoidance": 6,                // How likely the trap is to be set off when stepped into. 0 means the trap will never be set off if stepped onto
  "difficulty": 0,               // How hard the trap is to disarm, higher is harder.
  "action": "caltrops_glass",    // What the trap does when triggered, see trapfunc.cpp or below for more info
  "spell_data": { "id": "spell_trap_can_alarm_trigger" },   // `id` of spell cast by a trap with the `spell` trap action
  "map_regen": "microlab_shifting_hall",    // Used by traps with the `map_regen` action, defines what `mapgen_update` entry is used for the area it's applied to.
  "remove_on_trigger": true,     // Does the trap remove itself after being set off? Omit if the trap is intended to stick around and trigger repeatedly, not recommended for traps generated by terrain
  "trigger_items": [ "tripwire", "shotgun_d", { "item": "shot_hull", "quantity": 2, "charges": 1 } ],   // What items spawn when the trap is triggered, times `quantity` and of `charges` amount (used if item has a default stack size like ammo). Note that the `beartrap`, `snare_light`, `snare_heavy`, `pit_spikes`, `pit_glass`, and `crossbow` still have some items that are spawned by hardcoded behavior for various reasons.
  "drops": [ "tripwire", "shotgun_d", { "item": "shot_00", "quantity": 2, "charges": 1 } ],   // That items drop when the trap is succesfully disarmed. Optional use of `quantity` or `charges` follows same conventions as with `trigger_items`
  "vehicle_data": {              // Block of behaviors that occur when a vehicle's wheel rolls over this trap, separate from normal behaviors of traps being set off by players or monsters
    "do_explosion": true,        // If true, create an explosion instead of simply applying damage value to the exact vehicle tile that triggered the trap
    "damage": 1000,              // Direct damage applied to the vehicle tile that triggered it, or base damage at epicenter, depending on if `do_explosion` is true
    "shrapnel": 8,               // Fragmentation damage if set to explode
    "sound_volume": 10,          // Volume of sound, if specified, that plays when triggering
    "sound": "Boom!",            // Sound description as posted in message log, in the form of "You hear %s"
    "sound_type": "explosion",   // Possible types are: background, weather, music, movement, speech, activity, destructive_activity, alarm, combat, alert, order
    "sound_variant": "default"   // Sound variant used
  "benign": true,                // This means it's not a trap meant to be set off but something harmless like a rollmat or funnel, so won't ask the player if they're really sure about stepping into it, and monsters with the `PATH_AVOID_DANGER_2` monflag won't care about avoiding these. Using this with an `action` that can actually cause harm is a Bad Idea
  "funnel_radius": 200           // Used for funnels, when it's raining this trap will collect water at a rate based on this value, automatically filling empty container items placed on the same tile as it
  "floor_bedding_warmth": -1000, // Used for rollmats and the like, bonus warmth offered by this terrain/furniture when used to sleep.


The following actions are available as defined in trapfunc.cpp:

  • none - Does nothing, used for funnels and other things where no trap behavior is necessary.
  • bubble - Makes a pop sound from stepping on bubble wrap, and that’s all.
  • glass - Deals minor cutting damage to whatever steps on it, crunchy glass noises.
  • cot - Perfectly safe and cozy if you’re a player or NPC, but monsters will stumble over it and lose a turn.
  • beartrap - Deals damage and keeps the victim locked to that tile until they break free. If so, the item itself is dropped later on once they free themselves.
  • board - Deals some minor damage to whatever steps on it, and subtracts some moves from them.
  • caltrops - Deals damage to whatever steps on it, and subtracts some moves from them.
  • caltrops_glass - Same basic effect as caltrops_glass but with more glass crunching noises.
  • tripwire - Deals minor damage if it successfully trips the victim, knocking them back and substracting moves from them.
  • crossbow - Deals piercing damage with a chance of missing, the ammunition being dropped afterward is still hardcoded into this due to having a random chance to spawn.
  • shotgun - Deals heavy ballistic damage to whoever sets it off. If the trap’s ID is specifically tr_shotgun_2, the victim is hit twice instead of only once.
  • blade - Lashes out and strikes whoever sets it off with direct bashing and cutting damage.
  • snare_light - Deals damage and keeps the victim locked to that tile until they break free, spawning the relevant items when the effect wears off.
  • snare_heavy - Comparable to snare_light but higher damage, and different item spawns when the target frees themselves.
  • landmine - Explosion with moderate damage and heavy fragmentation.
  • boobytrap - Same effect as landmine but different message printed on trigger.
  • telepad - Teleports the victim to a random space within 8 tiles, with risk of teleporting into a wall, and inflicts teleglow on them.
  • goo - Players and NPCs have a chance of taking damage and are slowed down by slime, non-slime monsters take a speed debuff and non-robot monsters get turned into slimes.
  • dissector - Deals cutting damage to victims, creatures of species ROBOT are immune.
  • pit - Victim takes falling damage and is held in place until they climb back out.
  • pit_spikes - As with pit but additional damage from spikes. Random chance of the spikes breaking, spawning additional items and converting underlying terrain to t_pit.
  • pit_glass - Similiar to pit_spikes, except when it decides to break it spawns glass shards instead of wooden spears.
  • lava - High levels of heat damage dealt to whatever sets it off.
  • portal - Currently aliases to telepad and triggers the exact same effects.
  • sinkhole - If triggered, converts the underlying terrain to t_pit and triggers the effect of falling into a pit. Players can attempt to prevent this if they have a grappling hook, bullwhip, or long rope in their inventory, or if they have the Web Diver mutation.
  • ledge - Fall down a level to whatever is below, triggering potential falling damage.
  • temple_flood - Used in strange temples to trigger the hardcoded event that floors that converts floor in the area to deep water. Only the player can set this off, not NPCs or monsters.
  • temple_toggle - Used in strange temples, toggles red/green/blue puzzle tiles between floor and wall forms. Only the player can set this off, not NPCs or monsters.
  • glow - Random chance of irradiating and flashbanging players and NPCs, monsters have a chance of suffering acid damage and a speed debuff instead.
  • hum - Makes a humming noise of a randomized volume, ranging from barely audiable to deafening.
  • shadow - Summons shadow monsters nearby. Only the player can set this off, not NPCs or monsters.
  • map_regen - Applies the mapgen update specified in the trap’s map_regen to the map tile the trap is in, for altering the map. If used, remove_on_trigger and trigger_items aren’t processed as the mapgen update could just as easily remove the trap, change it to something else, or do any number of things that would otherwise disrupt the trap cleanup function.
  • drain - Deals a tiny amount of damage to the target, ignores armor and immunities.
  • spell - Casts the spell specified by the trap’s spell_data, centered on whatever set it off. Note that the spell used generally requires a min_aoe defined to work successfully, and not all spell effects can be expected to work properly with this.
  • snake - Similar to shadow trap effect, summons shadow snakes nearby. Main difference is NPCs and monsters are capable of setting it off.


"type": "clothing_mod",
"id": "leather_padded",   // Unique ID.
"flag": "leather_padded", // flag to add to clothing.
"item": "leather",        // item to consume.
"implement_prompt": "Pad with leather",      // prompt to show when implement mod.
"destroy_prompt": "Destroy leather padding", // prompt to show when destroy mod.
"restricted": true,       // (optional) If true, clothing must list this mod's flag in "valid_mods" list to use it. Defaults to false.
"mod_value": [            // List of mod effect.
        "type": "bash",   // "bash", "cut", "bullet", "fire", "acid", "warmth", "storage", and "encumbrance" is available.
        "value": 1,       // value of effect.
        "round_up": false // (optional) round up value of effect. defaults to false.
        "proportion": [   // (optional) value of effect propotions to clothing's parameter.
            "thickness",  //            Add value for every layer of "material_thickness" the item has.
            "volume",     //            Add value for every liter of baseline volume the item has.
            "coverage"    //            Reduce value by percentage of average coverage the item has.

Obsoletion and migration

For maps, you remove the item from all the places it can spawn, remove the mapgen entries, and add the overmap terrain id into data/json/obsoletion/migration_oter_ids.json, to migrate oter_id underground_sub_station and sewer_sub_station into their rotatable versions, note that if mapgen has already generated this area this will only alter the tile shown on the overmap:

  "type": "oter_id_migration",
  "//": "obsoleted in 0.4",
  "old_directions": false,
  "new_directions": false,
  "oter_ids": {
    "underground_sub_station": "underground_sub_station_north",
    "sewer_sub_station": "sewer_sub_station_north"

If old_directions option is enabled each entry will create four migrations: for old_north, old_west, old_south, and old_east. What they will be migrated to depends of value of new_directions option. If it is set to true then terrains will be migrated to same directions: old_north to new_north, old_east to new_east and such. If new_directions is set to false, then all four terrains will be migrated to one plain new. For both of those cases you only need to specify plain old and new names in oter_ids map, without any suffixes.